Employee / Labor Relations

CBA and Bargaining Updates

2025 Updates & Notices2025 UPDATES & NOTICES

March 5, 2025: Â鶹ÃÛÌÒAV Wage Proposal for In-unit Faculty 

This is a status update on bargaining between the University and UFF on a successor CBA to replace the previous contract that expired on August 7, 2024. We are disappointed to share that the faculty union rejected the University’s wage proposal during the most recent bargaining session on February 21, 2025, and further indicated that it will be unavailable to resume negotiations until at least April. This decision by the union is particularly unfortunate given the significance of the University’s proposed 3-year agreement during a time of increasing uncertainty at the state and federal levels, and our hope that we could secure well-deserved increases for in-unit faculty in time for the fall 2025 semester.

Specifically, Â鶹ÃÛÌÒAV proposed the following:

  • Annual merit base salary increases of 2% each year for three years (2025-2026, 2026-2027, and 2027-2028 academic years).
    • Factoring in the 3% discretionary market increase the University implemented in October 2024 while the parties’ negotiations remained pending, Â鶹ÃÛÌÒAV’s proposal would total more than 9% in increases through the 2027-2028 academic year for in-unit faculty who meet the standard eligibility criteria included in past CBAs.

  • Increasing the promotion raise amount from 9% to 12% for both Tenured/Tenure-track and Instructor positions. Instructors would also receive a $2,000 flat increase upon promotion, in addition to the 12% promotion raise—a first for any CBA between the parties, which have historically included flat increases only for Tenured/Tenure-track promotions.

The above increases would have been in addition to the University’s discretionary authority to make salary adjustments for extra compensation, verified counteroffers, market equity, compression/inversion, and excellence in research, teaching, service, and other assigned duties.

The University’s objective throughout this bargaining process is to recognize in-unit faculty for their tremendous efforts in support of Â鶹ÃÛÌÒAV’s mission and to incentivize continued progress in the pursuit of our shared goals. To that end, Â鶹ÃÛÌÒAV will continue to bargain in good faith to reach a new agreement.

April 11, 2025: UFF Meeting Notice

Collective Bargaining Session Between Designated representatives on behalf of the University of SouthFlorida (Â鶹ÃÛÌÒAV) Board of Trustees and United Faculty of Florida (UFF)

Friday, April 11, 2025
10:00 am EST
SVC Second Floor SVC 2070
Microsoft Teams 

Meeting ID: 281 127 003 31
Passcode: Go6jr7o7
Dial in by phone
+1 813-694-2079,,135996768# United States, Tampa
Phone conference ID: 135 996 768#
Open to the Public
Public notice of this meeting has been provided pursuant to section 447.605(1) and section 286.11 Florida Statutes.
* Pursuant to the provisions of the American with Disabilities Act, any person requiring special accommodation to participate in this meeting is asked to advise Human Resources at least 48 hours before the meeting. To request accommodation, email employee-relations@usf.edu

Official Meeting Notice Attached

April 11, 2025: GAU Meeting Notice

Collective Bargaining Session Between Designated representatives on behalf of the Â鶹ÃÛÌÒAV (Â鶹ÃÛÌÒAV) Board of Trustees and Graduate Assistants United (GAU)
Friday, April 11, 2025
3:30 pm EST
Patel CGS 140
Microsoft Teams 

Meeting ID: 211 571 159 247
Passcode: Qh3PE94f
Dial in by phone
+1 813-694-2079,,806886134# United States, Tampa
Phone conference ID: 806 886 134#
* Pursuant to the provisions of the American with Disabilities Act, any person requiring special accommodation toparticipate in this meeting is asked to advise Human Resources at least 48 hours before the meeting. To request accommodation, email employee-relations@usf.edu.
Open to the Public
Public notice of this meeting has been provided pursuant to section 447.605(1) and section 286.11 Florida Statutes.

Official Meeting Notice Attached

February 21, 2025: UFF Meeting Notice

Collective Bargaining Session Between Designated representatives on behalf of the Â鶹ÃÛÌÒAV (Â鶹ÃÛÌÒAV) Board of Trustees and United Faculty of Florida (UFF) 

Friday, February 21, 2025 
1:00 pm EST 
SVC Second Floor SVC 2070 

Microsoft Teams 
Meeting ID: 234 118 658 204 
Passcode: 9Ys6Se6c 

Dial in by phone 
+1 813-694-2079 United States, Tampa 
Phone conference ID: 647 747 10# 

Open to the Public 

Public notice of this meeting has been provided pursuant to section 447.605(1) and section 286.11 Florida Statutes. 

* Pursuant to the provisions of the American with Disabilities Act, any person requiring special accommodation to participate in this meeting is asked to advise Human Resources at least 48 hours before the meeting. To request accommodation, email employee-relations@usf.edu

Official Meeting Notice Attached

January 17, 2025: UFF Meeting Notice

Collective Bargaining Session Between Designated representatives on behalf of the Â鶹ÃÛÌÒAV (Â鶹ÃÛÌÒAV) Board of Trustees and United Faculty of Florida (UFF) 

Friday, January 17, 2025 
10:00 am EST 
SVC Second Floor SVC 2070 

Microsoft Teams 
Meeting ID: 240 658 668 429 
Passcode: Ho33vo7q 

Dial in by phone 
+1 813-694-2079 United States, Tampa 
Phone conference ID: 815 360 034# 

Open to the Public 

Public notice of this meeting has been provided pursuant to section 447.605(1) and section 286.11 Florida Statutes. 

* Pursuant to the provisions of the American with Disabilities Act, any person requiring special accommodation to participate in this meeting is asked to advise Human Resources at least 48 hours before the meeting. To request accommodation, email employee-relations@usf.edu

Official Meeting Notice Attached

2024 Updates and Notices

2024 UPDATES & Notices

November 15, 2024: UFF Meeting Notice

Collective Bargaining Session Between Designated representatives on behalf of the Â鶹ÃÛÌÒAV (Â鶹ÃÛÌÒAV) Board of Trustees and United Faculty of Florida (UFF) 

Friday, November 15, 2024 
11:00 am EST 
SVC Second Floor SVC 2070 

Microsoft Teams 

Meeting ID: 247 978 003 646 
Passcode: goc68k 

Dial in by phone 
+1 813-694-2079,,196439991# United States, Tampa 
Phone conference ID: 196 439 991# 

Open to the Public 

Public notice of this meeting has been provided pursuant to section 447.605(1) and section 286.11 Florida Statutes. 

* Pursuant to the provisions of the American with Disabilities Act, any person requiring special accommodation to participate in this meeting is asked to advise Human Resources at least 48 hours before the meeting. To request accommodation, email employee-relations@usf.edu

Official Meeting Notice Attached

September 6, 2024 - UFF Meeting Notice

Collective Bargaining Session Between Designated representatives on behalf of the Â鶹ÃÛÌÒAV (Â鶹ÃÛÌÒAV) Board of Trustees and United Faculty of Florida (UFF) 

Friday, September 6, 2024
1:30 pm EST 
Patel Building, 1st Floor CGS 140 

Microsoft Teams 

Meeting ID: 248 739 361 344
Passcode: r9fnby
Dial in by phone
+1 813-694-2079,,517327130# United States, Tampa
Phone conference ID: 517 327 130#

Open to the Public 
Public notice of this meeting has been provided pursuant to section 447.605(1) and section 286.11 Florida Statutes. 

* Pursuant to the provisions of the American with Disabilities Act, any person requiring special accommodation to participate in this meeting is asked to advise Human Resources at least 48 hours before the meeting. To request accommodation, email employee-relations@usf.edu

Official Meeting Notice Attached

August 23, 2024: In-Unit Increases

In-unit Faculty Increases for Market Equity:  The University and UFF are actively engaged in ongoing negotiations on a successor CBA following the expiration of the parties’ previous CBA on August 7, 2024.  The parties have held multiple bargaining sessions to date, and Â鶹ÃÛÌÒAV remains committed to bargaining in good faith to reach a new agreement.  In the absence of a formal wages proposal from the union, and in an effort to provide much-deserved increases to in-unit faculty without further delay, the University has authorized a three percent (3%) discretionary pool to be distributed to eligible in-unit faculty pursuant to the University’s continuing discretionary authority to provide salary adjustments for market equity. These adjustments will be effective October 11, 2024, and will be reflected on paychecks beginning November 1, 2024. 

Eligible faculty are those whose most recent performance evaluations are satisfactory and above (a minimum score on the most recent annual evaluation of at least 3.0 on a 5.0 point numerical rating scale) and who do not have any active performance improvement plans as of the effective date of the increase.  New hires with no evaluation are excluded from this pool, as are faculty with no evaluation on file within the past two academic years. 
In-unit Increases for PBA & GAU: The University will abide by the specific negotiated wage provisions contained in the current CBAs between the University and PBA or GAU, as applicable. 

Increases for Employees Previously Represented by AFSCME and SEIU: Although AFSCME and SEIU have been decertified by the Public Employees Relations Commission (PERC) and, consequently those CBAs ceased to exist, the University will honor the previously-negotiated wage increases contained in the two now-defunct CBAs.

August 9, 2024 - UFF Meeting Notice

Collective Bargaining Session Between Designated representatives on behalf of the University ofSouth Florida (Â鶹ÃÛÌÒAV) Board of Trustees and United Faculty of Florida (UFF)
Friday, August 9, 2024
1:30 PM EST
Patel Building, 1st Floor CGS 140
Microsoft Teams 

Meeting ID: 246 350 282 949
Passcode: HdUQso
Dial in by phone
+1 813-694-2079,,312682285# United States, Tampa
Phone conference ID: 312 682 285# 
Open to the Public
Public notice of this meeting has been provided pursuant to section 447.605(1) and section 286.11 Florida Statutes.
* Pursuant to the provisions of the American with Disabilities Act, any person requiring special accommodation to participate in this meeting is asked to advise Human Resources at least 48 hours before the meeting. To request accommodation, email employee-relations@usf.edu

Official Meeting Notice Attached

June 28, 2024 - UFF Meeting Notice

Collective Bargaining Session Between Designated representatives on behalf of the Â鶹ÃÛÌÒAV (Â鶹ÃÛÌÒAV) Board of Trustees and United Faculty of Florida (UFF) 

Friday, June 28, 2024

1:30 pm EST 

Patel Building, 1st Floor CGS 140 

Virtual Option:

Meeting ID: 267 282 578 775
Passcode: 3wy5Rk
Dial in by phone
+1 813-694-2079,,95261759# United States, Tampa
Phone conference ID: 952 617 59#

Open to the Public 

Public notice of this meeting has been provided pursuant to section 447.605(1) and section 286.11 Florida Statutes. 

* Pursuant to the provisions of the American with Disabilities Act, any person requiring special accommodation to participate in this meeting is asked to advise Human Resources at least 48 hours before the meeting. To request accommodation, email employee-relations@usf.edu

Official Meeting Notice Attached

May 14, 2024 GAU -  An Order/Notice(Notice of Sufficiency of Recertification Petition) has been issued in case: RC-24-062

May 7, 2024 PERC Notice to employees regarding UFF Recertification Petition

May 10, 2024 - UFF Meeting Notice

Collective Bargaining Session Between Designated representatives on behalf of the Â鶹ÃÛÌÒAV (Â鶹ÃÛÌÒAV) Board of Trustees and United Faculty of Florida (UFF) 

Friday, May 10, 2024

2:00 pm EST 

Patel Building, 1st Floor CGS 140 

Virtual Option:

Open to the Public 

Public notice of this meeting has been provided pursuant to section 447.605(1) and section 286.11 Florida Statutes. 

* Pursuant to the provisions of the American with Disabilities Act, any person requiring special accommodation to participate in this meeting is asked to advise Human Resources at least 48 hours before the meeting. To request accommodation, email employee-relations@usf.edu

Official Meeting Notice Attached

turn phonePlease turn mobile device sideways for best view of the following table.

Current Wage Increase Cylces

Current Wage Increase Cycle

2022/23 Tier 1 Wage Increase & Tier 2 Wage Adjustment

2023/24 Merit Increase

2024/25 Merit Increase

Minimum Stipend Rates Adjusted as Follows:

Fall 2022

Fall 2023

Fall 2024

2023/24 Market Adjustment & Merit Increase

2024/25 Merit Increase

2025/26 Merit Increase

2021/22 Merit Lump Sum Bonus

2022/23 Merit Base Increase

2023-24 Merit Base Increase

Minimum Salary Per Credit Hour Listed by College


AFSCME Wages Article

PBA Wages Article 

Appendix C

SEIU Wages Article

2023 Ratification

Archive: previous updates & notices

2023 and Prior UPDATES & NOTICES 

Previous updates and notices posted prior to the current calendar year can be found on the CBA Archive Page. 

Resources & Contact

CBA REsources and contact information

Questions? Contact CBAQuestions@usf.edu

Collective Bargaining Units


American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees
Collective Bargaining Agreement 2023-2025


Graduate Assistants United
Collective Bargaining Agreement 2022-2024


West Central Florida Police Benevolent Association
Collective Bargaining Agreement 2023-2026


United Faculty of Florida
Collective Bargaining Agreement 2021-2024


Service Employees International Union
SEIU Collective Bargaining Argeement 2023-2025