Employee / Labor Relations
CBA Archive: Notices & Updates
UFF Collective Bargaining Agreement 2021-2024 (This version does not contain updates made May 2023).
PBA Wage Increase - 2023/2024 Year
鶹AV/PBA (CBA 2023 - 2026)
Article 23, Wages
23.1 2023-2024 Market Adustment and Merit-Based Increase
A. Effective October 1, 2023, employees will receive a market adjustment increase in an amount up to two thousand dollars ($2,000) to their then current base salary.
B. Effective October 1, 2023, eligible employees will also have their base salary increased (after taking into account the market adjustment increase set forth in Section 23. 1A) to the level set forth in pay grid attached as Appendix C, if necessary, based upon their time in place (calculated in completed months of service in the rank they hold on October 1, 2023).
C. Effective October 1, 2023, eligible employees whose base salary on October 1, 2023 (after taking into account the market adjustment increase set for forth in Section 23.1A) exceeds the applicable level of the pay grid attached as Appendix C will receive an additional one and one-half percent (1.5%) increase to their base salary as such employees will not receive a pay grid increase.
The 2023/2024 market adjustment and merit-based increase set fort in Sections 23.1 A,B and C will be payable commencing the first pay period in October 2023.
AFSCME Wage Increase - 2023/2024 Year
鶹AV/AFSCME (CBA 2023-2025)
Article 21, Wages
21.1 B. Merit Increases.
Wage increases in year 2023-2024 will be based on merit, to compensate employees who perform work that consistently meets or exceeds expectations for their positions as reflected in their annual performance evaluaitons.
The University will provide a 2.5% increase to the base wage of each eligible employee if they meet the following criteria:
a. Has been employed at 鶹AV in an established position on or before April 1, 2023, and is continuously employed in an established positon at the time the increase is implemented; and
b. They do not have an overall rating of "Needs Improvement" or "Unsatisfactory" on their most recent performance evaluation of record; and
c. They do not have an open Performance Improvement Plan (PIP)
2. The wage increases reflected in Article 21.1B will be effective on the first pay periodfollowing October 1, 2023 (effective date 10/13 - paid in 11/3/23 pay-cycle)
鶹AV/PBA CBA Ratification - August 22,2023
PBA Bargaining Meeting Notice - July 28, 2023
Collective Bargaining Session
Between Designated representatives on behalf of the 鶹AV (鶹AV) Board of Trustees
West Central Florida Police Benevolent Association
July 28, 2023, at 2:00 in SVC 2070
Virtual Option:
Microsoft Teams meeting
Join on your computer, mobile app or room device
Click here to join the meeting (link expired)
Meeting ID: 228 344 468 535
Passcode: ZxBqhL
Or call in (audio only)
+1 813-694-2079,,953508135# United States, Tampa
Phone Conference ID: 953 508 135#
鶹AV/SEIU CBA Ratification - June 13, 2023
The Bargaining Teams for the 鶹AV and SEIU are pleased to announce that they have reached an agreement to extend the collective bargaining agreement, subject to the follwoing amendments:
Article 15, Wages
- Provides increases to each College's minimum salary per credit hour, as follows:
- Beginning Fall 2023 semester: 5%
- Beginning Fall 2024 semester: 3.5%
- *Colleg of the Arts, beginning Fall 2023 semester: 5%
- For adjuncts paid on a per-student basis, the minimum salary per student will be
increased as follows:
- Beginning Fall 2023 semester: $420 per student
- Beginning Fall 2024 semester: $435 per student
Article 17, Duration
- The new CBA will be in effect upon ratification (June 13, 2023) through September 30, 2025.
- Renegotiations for a successor agreement shall begin no later than April 30, 2025.
5-1-2023 | Joint Statement on Tentative SEIU Collective Bargaining Agreement
The Bargaining teams for the 鶹AV and SEIU are pleased to announce that they have reached a tentative agreement to extend the collecitve bargaining agreement, subject to the following amendments:
Article 15, Wages
- Provides increases to each College's minimum slary per credit hour, as follows:Beginning
Fall 2023 semester: 5%
- Beginning Fall 2024 semester: 3.5%
- * College of the Arts, beginning Fall 2023 semester: 5%
- For adjuncts paid on a per-student basis, the minimum salary per student will be increased
as follows:
- Beginning Fall 2023 semester: $420 per student
- Beginning Fall 2024 semester: $435 pers student
Article 17, Duration
- The new CBA will be in effect upon ratification through September 30, 2025.
- Renegotiations for a successor agreement shall begin no later than April 30, 2025.
The new CBA has been ratified by the in-unit employees and will be presented to the 鶹AV Board of Trustees for a vote on ratification.
鶹AV/AFSCME CBA Ratification - March 7, 2023
The new Agreement revises Article 21, the Wages Article, as well as Article 27, the Duration Article. The rest of the Agreement remains the same and there are no re-openers.
In summary, some changes for the new CBA are;
- Duration of the agreement, 3 years.
Wage increase adjustments:
- Tier 1 Wage Increase:
- Upon ratification (3/7/2023): 3% increase to base wage of each eligible employee.
- The employee must meet the following criteria:
- Do not have an overall rating of “Needs Improvement” or “Unsatisfactory” on the most recent performance evaluation of record; and
- Not on an open Performance Improvement Plan (PIP); and
- Must be employed on an established position on or before April 1, 2022, and continuously employed through effective date of increase.
- Tier 2 Wage Increase:
Upon ratification (3/7/2023): The University will provide a specific one-time targeted increase to the base wage of the specific bargaining unit employees, based on local market analysis. - The employee must meet the following criteria:
- They do not have an overall rating of "Needs Improvement" or "Unsatisfactory" on their most recent performance evaluation of record: and
- They do not have an open Performance Improvement Plan (PIP); and
- The employee must have been employed as 鶹AV in an established position on the date of ratification of the Agreement by the Board of Trustees and at the time the base increase is implemented.
- Year 2023/2024: 2.5% increase to base wage of each eligible employee.
- The employee must meet the following criteria:
- Has been employee at 鶹AV in an established position on or before April 1, 2023, and is continuously employed in an established position at the time the increase is implemented; and
- They do not have an overall rating of "Needs Improvement" or "Unsatisfactory" on their most recent performance evaluation record; and
- They do not have an open Performance Improvement Plan (PIP)
- Year 2024/2025: 2.5% increase to base wage of each eligible employee
- The employee must meet the following criteria:
- Has been employee at 鶹AV in an established position on or before April 1, 2024, and is continuously employed in an established position at the time the increase is implemented; and
- They do not have an overall rating of "Needs Improvement" or "Unsatisfactory" on their most recent performance evaluation record; and
- They do not have an open Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) ▪
• Eligible employees appointed to less than full time will receive a prorated amount based on their FTE.
AFSCME CBA Ratification 3-7-2023
SEIU Meeting Notice - March 24,2023
Meeting will be held in HR Training Room SVC 2070 at 2:00pm / Also available on Teams, March 24, 2023 at 2:00pm.
2-8-2023 | Tentative MOU - PBA Bonus and Dependent Tuition Waiver
PBA Meeting Notice - February 15, 2023
Collective Bargaining Session Between
Designated representatives on behalf of the 鶹AV
(鶹AV) Board of Trustees and
West Central Florida Police Benevolent Association (PBA)
Location: SVC 2070
Time and Date: 10am on 02/15/2023
* Pursuant to the provisions of the American with Disabilities Act, any person requiring
special accommodation toparticipate in this meeting is asked to advise Human Resources
at least 48 hours before the meeting. To request accommodation, email employee-relations@usf.edu
Open to the Public
Public notice of this meeting has been provided pursuant to section 447.605(1) and
section 286.11 Florida Statutes.
Questions (813) 974-2970
2-1-2023 | Joint Statement on Tentative AFSCME Collective Bargaining Agreement
The bargaining teams for the 鶹AV and AFSCME are pleased to announce that they have reached a tentative agreement on a new 3-year Staff collective bargaining agreement (CBA).
The new CBA:
- provides pay increases to in-unit staff for three consecutive years, beginning with a 3% base wage increase to all in-unit staff who meet the agreed-upon eligibility criteria as set forth in the agreement the first year, and a 2.5% base wage increase to all in-unit staff who meet the agreed-upon criteria as set forth in the agreement in the two subsequent years.
- Provides in Year 1 a one-time targeted increase to the base wage of those bargaining unit employees identified by the University in a local market analysis as eligible for a one-time competitive market adjustment.
- Year 1 increases will be effective upon ratification by the Board of Trustees and increases for Years 2 and 3 will be effective on October 1, 2023 and October 1, 2024, respectively.
These increases are in addition to the previously announced and implemented (1) increased minimum wage to $15 an hour, and (2) expanded tuition waiver program that will allow employees to transfer their own unused tuition waivers to their spouses, partners, or dependent children for the purpose of enrolling in eligible undergraduate courses.
The parties will present the new CBA to the in-unit employees and the 鶹AV Board of Trustees for a vote on ratification. Both teams strongly recommend the new CBA to their constituents.
AFSCME Meeting Notice - February 1, 2023
February 1st at 10am
Microsoft Teamks meeting
Join on your computer, mobile app or room device
Click here to join the meeting (link expired)
Meeting ID: 257 460 224 897
Passcode: qmZ8mn
Or call in (audio only)
+1 813-694-2079,,123529016# United States, Tampa
Phone Conference ID: 123 529 016#
* Pursuant to the provisions of the American with Disabilities Act, any person requiring special accommodation to participate in this meeting is asked to advise Human Resources at least 48 hours before the meeting. To request accommodation, email employee-relations@usf.edu
Open to the Public
Public notice of this meeting has been provided pursuant to section 447.605(1) and section 286.11 Florida Statutes.
2022-23 |AFSCME MOU (awaiting BOT ratification)
12-19-2022 | AFSCME Meeting Notice (postponed until further notice)
12-15-2022 | PBA: New MOU between the BOT and PBA
11-18-2022 | SEIU Meeting Notice
11-17-2022 | PBA Meeting Notice
11-15-2022 |AFSCME Meeting Notice
10-7-22 |SEIU Meeting Notice
9-23-2022 | SEIU Meeting Notice
9-9-2022 | SEIU Meeting Notice
8-31- 2022 | GAU: New Collective Bargaining Agreement for 2022-2024
8-26-22 | PBA Meeting Notice
7-20-2022 | UFF: New UFF Collective Bargaining Agreement for 2021-2024
7-13-2022 | GAU Meeting Notice
5-20-2022 | GAU Meeting Notice
5-13-2022 | SEIU Meeting Notice
4-12-2022 | UFF: Joint Statement on Tentative Faculty CBA
The bargaining teams for the 鶹AV and the United Faculty of Florida are pleased to announce that they have reached a tentative agreement on a new 3 year faculty collective bargaining agreement (CBA).
The new CBA:
- provides pay increases to faculty for three consecutive years beginning with a $2000.00 one-time bonus payable upon full ratification of the CBA, followed by a 3.5% base increase to all faculty with satisfactory evaluations effective August 2022, and then a 2.0% base increase to all faculty with satisfactory evaluations effective August 2023;
- ensures base salary increases are cumulative and not contingent;
- creates a 1% discretionary pool in every year of the contract to fund faculty compensation adjustments for special achievements, market equity, counter offers, and awards;
- extends the tuition waiver program to faculty, which allows 鶹AV employees to transfer their own unused tuition waivers to their spouses, partners, or dependent children for the purpose of enrolling in eligible undergraduate courses;
- supports a clinical practice plan for nursing faculty, a first at 鶹AV;
- strengthens faculty participation in expectations for evaluation;
- updates the sexual harassment and Title IX provisions;
- commits to study and address faculty salary equity; and
- maintains the protections and processes with which the faculty are accustomed.
The parties will finalize the tentative agreement and then present the new CBA to the in-unit faculty and the 鶹AV Board of Trustees for a vote on ratification. Both teams strongly recommend the new CBA to their constituents.
3-25-22 | UFF Meeting Notice
2-22-2022 | AFSCME & PBA BOT ratified MOU's
Click here to view the Memorandum of Understanding for AFSCME.
- A 1.5% across the board for all eligible employees on the first day of the first pay
period following today's date, which is March 4, 2022
- Employee's must have been hired on or before July 1, 2021
- Employee's cannot have an open PIP or needs improvement on their last official performance evaluation
- A 2% on time bonus for eligible employees meeting COVID-19 criteriaHired on or before
March 13, 2020
- Must have increase and/or new job responsibilities directly related to COVID-19.
- Departments must submit those spreadsheets to class/comp for review/approval
Click here for the updated MOU
Click here to view the Memorandum of Understanding for PBA.
Summary: A 2% one-time bonus for all eligible police officers. General Counsel will provide a list of eligible employees to HR
2-3-2022 | President Law announced initiatives: President Law announced initiatives to recognize and reward 鶹AV employees for their hard work.
- base salary increase to eligible out-of-unit employees;
- 2% bonus paid from federal COVID relief funds for employees who had safety, cleaning, or maintenance-related responsibilities during the COVID-19 pandemic;
- expanded tuition waiver program;
- tentative agreements were reached with AFSCME and PBA;
- committed to bargaining in good faith to reach an agreement with UFF;
Click here for full details
Dear 鶹AV Community:
On December 7, 2021, President Law announced initiatives to recognize and reward 鶹AV employees for their hard work and dedication with:
- a 1.5% pool for base salary increases to eligible out-of-unit employees;
- up to a 2% bonus paid from federal COVID relief funds for employees who had safety, cleaning, or maintenance-related responsibilities during the COVID-19 pandemic;
- and an expanded tuition waiver program that will allow employees to transfer their own unused tuition waivers to their spouses, partners, or dependent children for the purpose of enrolling in eligible undergraduate courses.
These initiatives allowed 鶹AV to be fiscally prudent and still improve pay and benefits for employees. We will continue to develop strategies to balance our finances and to value our employees so we may have the flexibility to do more for our people in the future.
At the time of the announcement, these initiatives were only available to 鶹AV’s out of unit employees; that is, employees who are not covered by a collective bargaining agreement (“CBA”) and who are not represented by a union. This is because by law we cannot make changes to the terms and conditions of work for employees who are represented by a union without first reaching an agreement with their unions. In the same announcement, however, 鶹AV commited to bargain in good faith to extend these initiatives to 鶹AV employees who are represented by unions.
The university followed through on this commitment and we are pleased to announce tentative agreements with AFSCME and PBA for pay increases and the expanded tuition waiver. AFSCME represents many of 鶹AV’s staff employees and PBA represents the University’s Police Department officers. The membership of AFSCME and PBA ratified their tentative agreements, which will next be presented to the Board of Trustees for approval.
鶹AV remains committed to bargaining in good faith to reach an agreement with UFF to provide faculty with pay and benefit increases. 鶹AV’s current proposal to UFF consists of a three-year agreement that is mostly unchanged from the last full CBA negotiated with the faculty union (e.g. the 2016-2019 faculty CBA). The proposal includes the following wage increases for faculty.
- In the first year, a 1.5% pool for base salary increases to faculty and a 1% discretionary pool that would be distributed to faculty to make salary adjustments for special achievements, market equity, counter offers, and awards. The base increases from the 1.5% pool would be effective upon full ratification, which could occur as early as March 2022, depending on the speed of the process.
- In the second year, a contingent 2% pool for base increases to faculty and a 1% discretionary pool that would be distributed to faculty to make salary adjustments for special achievements, market equity, counter offers, and awards. The base increases from the 2.0% pool would be effective in August of 2022.
- In the third year, a contingent 2% pool for base increases to faculty and a 1% discretionary pool that would be distributed to faculty for salary adjustments for special achievements, market equity, counter offers, and awards. The base increases from the 2% pool would be effective in August of 2023.
- The expanded tuition waiver program that would allow employees to transfer their own unused tuition waivers to their spouses, partners, or dependent children for the purpose of enrolling in eligible undergraduate courses.
The pay increases in years two and three are contingent on available funding because it would be fiscally irresponsible to ignore our current budget challenges or to fail to plan for uncertainties in the next three years. Contingent salary provisions are not new. The 2016-2019 faculty CBA reached with UFF included contingent salary increases, which 鶹AV fully honored even when there was pressure on available funds.
The contingency also applies to the discretionary pool; if 鶹AV is unable to fund the 2% base increase in years two or three, it will not fund the 1% discretionary pool for those years either. Instead, the parties will resume bargaining to reach an alternate agreement on salary.
You can review 鶹AV’s most recent proposal here. Collective bargaining sessions are always open to the public. Meeting times and locations are posted in advance on this page (see below).
The university will continue to provide regular updates on the status of bargaining. If you have any questions about this message or bargaining in general, please send them to: CBAQuestions@usf.edu
1-7-2022 | AFSCME Meeting Notice
AFSCME Wage Increase and Bonus 2021
12-17-2021 | UFF Meeting Notice
2021 GAU Bonus Effective November 12, 2021
Merit Bonus
Effective November 12, 2021 (to be included in the paycheck dated December 3, 2021), the University will provide a bonus pool in the aggregate amount of two percent (2%) of the eligible employees’ current academic year stipend rates, which will be equitably distributed as a one-time lump-sum performance-based bonus to each eligible Graduate Assistants United (GAU) employee in proportion to his/her Fall 2021 FTE. Such bonus payment shall not be added to the base.
As an example, every eligible GAU employee with Fall FTE of .50 will receive the same bonus payment amount, regardless of his or her current hourly rate. An eligible GAU employee with a Fall FTE of 0.25 will receive half the bonus payment of an eligible GAU employee with a 0.50 Fall FTE.
Eligible employees are those who meet the following criteria:
- Are employed as Graduate Assistants between the period of March 13, 2020
to June 28, 2021; - Are actively employed as Graduate Assistants on the date the bonus is paid;
Do not have an overall rating of “Needs Improvement” or “Unsatisfactory” on their last evaluation of record; - Do not have any active performance improvement plans on record;
- Are certified by their supervisors as having taken on new or additional duties associated
with COVID-19, such as
- changing the modality of a course to remote or online learning in response to COVID-19;
- making extra accommodations to help students during COVID-19;
- restructuring, rescheduling, or otherwise modifying assigned research duties with response to COVID-19;
- switching from lab work to library research, changing research approaches, or having to work in shifts to reduce the number of personnel in labs during COVID-19;
- or spending additional time learning or carrying out assigned research duties if other personnel were not available to assist during COVID-19.
Questions: If you have any questions regarding this bonus, please contact the Central Human
Resources Office at classcomp@usf.edu or your campus HR office
11-5-2021 | UFF Meeting Notice
AFSCME Wage Adjustment and Bonus Effective October 15, 2021
Wage Adjustment
The University will provide a one percent (1%) increase, effective October 15, 2021
(to be included in the paycheck dated November 5, 2021) to the base wages for all
eligible employees covered by the American Federation of State, County and Municipal
Employees (AFSCME) collective bargaining agreement who meet the following criteria:
- They are active employees on October 15, 2021, the date the base increase becomes effective;
- They do not have an overall rating of “Needs Improvement” or “Unsatisfactory” on their evaluation of record;
- They do not have an open Performance Improvement Plan.
One-time Bonus
The University will provide a one-time bonus of one percent (1%) of the employee’s
base wages for all eligible employees covered by the AFSCME collective bargaining
agreement who meet the following criteria:
- They were employed with the University as of July 1, 2020, and continuously employed in an established position;
- They do not have an overall rating of “Needs Improvement” or “Unsatisfactory” on their evaluation of record;
- They do not have an open Performance Improvement Plan.
- Proration. Eligible employees appointed to less than full time will receive a prorated amount based on their FTE.
Non-Eligible Employee Groups
• All Faculty and Administration employees,
• Staff out of unit (positions not covered by the AFSCME collective bargaining agreement),
• Temporary/OPS employees
Funding of Wage Increase
The increases for eligible employees funded by non-E&G sources (e.g., contracts and
grants or auxiliary)are expected to be funded from those sources, provided that such
funds are allowable and available in the funding source.
Questions: If you have any questions regarding the wage increase or bonus, please contact the Central Human Resources Office or your campus HR office
8-20-2021 | UFF Meeting Notice
7-30-2021 | GAU Meeting Notice
7-23-2021|GAU Meeting Notice
7-9-2021 | UFF Meeting Notice
5-28-2021|GAU Meeting Notice
4-30-2021|GAU Meeting Notice
3-26-2021|GAU Meeting Notice
2-19-2021|GAU Meeting Notice
12-11-2020 |UFF Meeting Notice
11-18-2020 |Notice of Impasse Hearing
11-17-2020 |Notice of Impasse Hearing
10-23-2020 AFSCME Meeting Notice
10-12-20 & 10-13-2020 | Notice of Cancellation of Impasse Hearing
10-12-20 & 10-13-2020 |Notice of Hearing
GAU Impact Bargaining MOU - August 25, 2020
Click here to view the Memorandum of Understanding
8-13-2020|GAU Meeting Notice
7-17-2020|GAU Meeting Notice
June 2020 | PBA Wage Increase Guidelines
6-23-2020|GAU Meeting Notice
5-18-2020|SEIU Meeting Notice
5-15-2020: UFF Impact Bargaining MOU
Click here to read the Memorandum of Understanding.
GAU-鶹AV MOU - May 7, 2020
Click here to view the Memorandum of Understanding
2-10-2020: PBA Meeting Notice
2019 & PRIOR
1-30-2019: SEIU Meeting Notice
9-19-2019: UFF MOU Concerning 1.5% Merit Bonus
9-12-2019: PBA Notice to Employees
Petition filed seeking an election to determine whether certain employees desire to be represented by an employee organization for the purpose of collective bargaining. Click here to view notice posted.
July 2018 AFSCME Wage Increase Guidelines
2-17-2017 | GAU Meeting Notice
9-9-2016 | AFSCME Meeting Notice
8-12-2016 | UFF Meeting Notice
3-24-14: AFSCME Leave Document posted online 鶹AV10.203 Leaves
2011: MOU Concerning 1 Percent Merit Bonus