2024 E-Insights Report
Student Loan Debt
Student Loan Disbursement
![Student Loan Disbursement](/business/images/state-of-the-region/e-insights-2024/section-2-2-3-student-loan-disbursement.jpg)
Number of Education Loan Recipients
![Number of Education Loan Recipients](/business/images/state-of-the-region/e-insights-2024/section-2-2-3-number-of-education-loan-recipients.jpg)
Debt per Recipient
![Debt per Recipient](/business/images/state-of-the-region/e-insights-2024/section-2-2-3-debt-per-recipient.jpg)
About: Aggregated data on education loans received by students who are pursuing a degree
at major universities (public and private) in each MSA for academic year 2020-2021.
Source: Common Origination and Disbursement (COD) System via howmuch.net.
- Jacksonville has the lowest loan disbursement whereas Miami has the highest with over $13 billion. The Tampa Bay region ranks 2nd in Florida in terms of student loan disbursements with a total disbursement of almost $4 billion. The region also has a lower total disbursement amount than other metropolitan areas.
- Although Tampa has a low student loan disbursement, the number of recipients is considerably high compared to other areas. This could suggest that many students require a loan but the total loan amount may not be that high for every individual.