2024 E-Insights Report
Zillow Observed Rent Index
Zillow Observed Rent Index

Competitive Position Trend

About: A smoothed measure of the typical observed market rent across a given region. The
index is dollar-denominated by computing the mean of listed rents that fall into the
40th to 60th percentile range for all homes and apartments in a given region.
Source: Zillow Research (2023). Zillow Observed Rent Index (ZORI).
- San Diego experienced a steady growth in rental value over the years and has the highest price compared to other MSAs. On the other hand, St. Louis had the lowest rent price. Miami, another MSA from Florida saw a significant increase in rent value from 2020.
- The Tampa Bay region witnessed a spike in rent value since 2020, which also holds for other regions. The percent change in rent value from 2015 to 2023 is 72% for Tampa Bay.
- Tampa Bay Region started at the ninth position in 2015, but the growth in rent value caused the region to settle at the 15th position in 2023. St. Louis and San Diego held the top and the bottom positions respectively throughout the years.