Recruitment Toolkit

Required Training

Click here to enroll in the Recruitment Training 



Â鶹ÃÛÌÒAV Recruitment Training

Recruitment training ipad

This training provides guidance to help recruit top talent at Â鶹ÃÛÌÒAV with a focus on developing fair and equitable diverse talent pools. Additional topics are included for those who will be involved with Faculty recruitment or serve on search committees. This course is required training for anyone added to the Hiring Team tab in a Job Opening to be able to access applicant resumes and applications.

The following roles are required to participate in the Recruitment Training prior to participating in the Interview process:

Hiring Authority: University employee with the authority to make a hiring decision. 

Hiring Department Representative: Person designated by the Hiring Authority to initiate organize and support the recruitment and hiring process and who oversees the outreach, screening, and presentation of candidates to the Hiring Authority. At the beginning of a recruitment, the department or college for which the recruitment is taking place is responsible for defining, identifying, and documenting who is the Hiring Department Representative for a particular recruitment. The Hiring Department Representative also submits final department/division approvals to the Central Human Resources

Search Committee: A group of individuals appointed by the Hiring Authority to assist in the recruitment of a candidate for a position within the University. The committee’s functions may include identifying, recruiting, interviewing, screening and recommending candidates for consideration by the Hiring Authority, as well as other responsibilities assigned by the Hiring Authority.

Interviewer: An individual who participates in the interview process. 

Supplemental Trainings (LinkedIn Learning)