2022 E-Insights Report
Business Establishment Entry Rate
- Orlando is ranked No. 1 among the comparison MSAs in terms of business establishment entry rate in 2019.
- The Tampa Bay MSA has consistently ranked in the top ten over the years.
- The Tampa Bay MSA has experienced a slight decline in the business establishment entry rate since 2016.
- Baltimore has remained in the last position since 2013.
About: Business establishment entry rate is defined as the count of business establishment
entrants in year t divided by the average count of employment active establishments
in year t and year t-1.
Source: U.S Census Bureau, Business Dynamic Statistics.
Business Establishment Entry Rate
![Business Establishment Entry Rate](/business/images/state-of-the-region/e-insights-2022/section-2-13-business-establishment-entry-rate.jpg)
Business Establishment Rate Trend
![Business Establishment Rate Trend](/business/images/state-of-the-region/e-insights-2022/section-2-13-business-establishment-entry-rate-trend.jpg)
Competitive Position Trend
![Competitive Position Trend](/business/images/state-of-the-region/e-insights-2022/section-2-13-business-establishment-entry-rate-competitive.jpg)