2022 E-Insights Report
Unemployment Rate
- Unemployment rates for all MSAs have been declining over the years since 2013. However, unemployment rates rose steeply in 2020 and declined again in 2021.
- Atlanta has been improving consistently since 2015 and is currently standing at No. 1 as of 2021.
- The Tampa Bay MSA has consistently been in the middle of the group over the years. However, the Tampa Bay MSA suffered a decline in competitive position in 2020, slightly regaining its position in 2021.
About: Measures the share of the labor force that is jobless. Generally, an individual is
considered unemployed if he or she is willing and able to work but is unable to find
a job.
Source: U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics, local area unemployment statistics.
Unemployment Rate

Unemployment Rate Trend

Competitive Position Trend