Faculty Classroom Resources (GUS)

Academic Integrity

Academic integrity is the foundation of 鶹AV's commitment to the academic honesty and personal integrity of its university community.  Academic integrity is grounded in certain fundamental values, which include honesty, respect and fairness.  Broadly defined, academic honesty is the completion of all academic endeavors and claims of scholarly knowledge as representative of one’s own efforts.  Knowledge and maintenance of the academic standards of honesty and integrity as set forth by the university are the responsibility of the entire academic community, including the instructional faculty, staff and students.


鶹AV has identified behaviors that are considered violations of the academic standards for Undergraduate and Graduate students.  These behaviors include the following and are described in (pp. 4-8):

  • Cheating
  • Plagiarism
  • Fabrication, Forgery and Obstruction
  • Multiple Submissions
  • Complicity
  • Improper use of teamwork credit
  • Solicitation or Purchase
  • Misrepresentation
  • Misconduct in Research and Creative Endeavors
  • Computer Misuse
  • Misuse of Intellectual Property
  • Violation of State or Federal laws with regard to Intellectual Property

Submitting an Academic Integrity Referral

All 鶹AV Faculty who have identified an academic integrity violation should submit an “academic integrity referral” via the Refer Students button in Canvas.  Upon selecting this option, faculty will be directed to complete a brief survey in the case management system, Maxient.  This survey allows faculty to report academic integrity grade sanctions (including, but not limited to, FF grades) so that the University may track all such incidents centrally. 

Referrals for CAS courses will be routed to the CAS Office of Graduate and Undergraduate Studies for tracking and future action, as necessary.  

If you have questions or concerns about the Canvas referral process, or you wish to provide supplemental documentation for a submitted referal, please contact the CAS Academic Integrity and Grievance Committee at CASAIGC@usf.edu.

Review the Academic Integrity Reporting process.
AI Faculty Reporting Process

Faculty and staff may direct any questions related to the Academic Integrity Policy to CASAIGC@usf.edu.