Phillip Sipiora



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Phillip Sipiora has taught at 鶹AV since receiving his doctorate in English from the University of Texas at Austin. He teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in Modern American literature and Film. He has won four major teaching awards, including the Jerome Krivanek Award for Outstanding Teacher (2009). He is the founding editor of , co-sponsored by the 鶹AV and The Norman Mailer Society. He actively participates in the 鶹AV English graduate program, having directed a number of MA theses and approximately five dozen dissertations.


Ida Lupino, Filmmaker, edited by Phillip Sipiora

Ida Lupino, Filmmaker, edited by Phillip Sipiora. Published in August, 1921


PhD, University of Texas at Austin

Area of SPecialty

Prof. Sipiora’s teaching and research focuses on grammar and rhetoric in literature and in film. He also has an interest in Phenomenology and its relationship to the interpretation of film and literature. He is the author or editor of four books, approximately three dozen scholarly articles, and has lectured nationally and internationally on twentieth-century literature and film.

Selected articles and books include: “Nietzsche’s Fingerprints on The Hands of Orlac,” in Expressionism in the Cinema (Edinburgh UP, 2016); Mind of An Outlaw, Editor (Random House, 2013); “Ethos and Ethics: Reconsidering Gun Crazy,” in The Films of Joseph H. Lewis. (Wayne State UP 2012); “Phenomenological Masking: Complications of Identity in Double Indemnity,” in Billy Wilder, Movie-Maker (McFarland Press (2011); “All Wrong Turns: Tracking Subjectivity in Edgar Ulmer’s Detour,” in Edgar G. Ulmer: Detour on Poverty Row (Lexington Books (2008); “The Phenomenological Quest of Stanley Kubrick,” in Stanley Kubrick: Essays on His Films and Legacy (McFarland Press 2008); Reading and Writing About Literature (Prentice-Hall, 2002); Kairos and Rhetoric, Co-editor (SUNY UP, 2002).

Forthcoming works: Ida Lupino, Filmmaker (Bloomsbury Academic Press, 2021); “Norman Mailer’s Literary Criticism” in Norman Mailer in Context. Ed. Maggie McKinley (Cambridge UP, 2021); “Bathos in the Bowery” in Wallace Fox and Social Protest (Edinburgh UP, 2021).

In Progress: The Neglected Work of Martin Scorsese (Co-edited with Gary D. Rhodes).