
Advising & Forms

MA & MFA advisor

Jessica Cook, PhD

PhD R/C advisor

Morgan Gresham, PhD

PhD LIT advisor

Kristin Allukian, PhD


Please note: all signed forms should be submitted to the graduate program specialist upon completion. The graduate program specialist will retrieve any required college or graduate studies signature on your behalf. Do not send forms to the dean directly.

directed study contracts

MA directed study contract Request a permit for directed study, or portfolio hours.
MFA directed research contract Request a permit for directed research.
PhD directed study contract Request a permit for directed study, dissertation, or doctoral seminar hours.

Committee Forms

Thesis/dissertation committee form Identify your finalized committee.
Thesis/dissertation change of committee form Request a committee change.
MA R/C portfolio committee form MA R/C students completing a portfolio.

MA portfolio forms

MA portfolio committee form Submit before your final semester.
MA portfolio development title page Rhet/comp students only.
MA portfolio defense request form  
MA portfolio completion form  

MA/MFA thesis forms

MA thesis proposal title page form Submit after successful thesis proposal defense.
MA thesis defense request form  
MA thesis successful defense form  
MFA thesis hours contract Request a permit for thesis hours.

Phd forms

PhD portfolio committee form LIT students. Submitted once portfolio committee has been finalized.
PhD check in form: pre-candidacy LIT students. Submitted semesterly.
PhD check in form: candidacy LIT students. Submitted semesterly.
PhD portfolio completion form LIT students. Submit immediately upon successful portfolio defense.
PhD exam application form Rhet/comp students.
PhD exam manuscript submission form Rhet/comp students.
Submit ASAP after successfully defending your portfolio/passing your exam. You must also submit a committee form.
Dissertation prospectus approval form  
Dissertation defense request form Submit at least three weeks prior to the defense.
Dissertation defense assessment form  
Submit to the Office of Graduate Studies upon successful dissertation defense.

For additional forms, please visit the Graduate Studies forms page, the CAS graduate resources page, or the Registrar's Office forms page.


MA, MFA, and PhD handbooks are located in the graduate student Canvas course. They are also available upon request. Contact the graduate program specialist for information or to place a request.

Program Checklists

For a program checklist, see the graduate student Canvas page resources or contact the graduate program specialist for more information.

Teaching Resources

  • First-year composition (FYC) @ Â鶹ÃÛÌÒAV
  • : This bibliography references many articles, books, websites and other teaching tools that address the teaching of literature. It has been written by members of the Teaching Literature Practicum over the past several years. It is divided into four sections: 1) pedagogical articles and books, 2) websites, 3) textbooks and 4) a brief list of journals related to the practice of teaching literature.