Annual Conference

Program Agenda

Day 1: April 25th

Time Agenda
1:00 pm Welcome & Check-In
1:30 pm Opening Remarks
Mor Segev
, 鶹AV
1:45 pm

Session 1
Chair: Jason Nethercut, 鶹AV

“Defining Engagements: Approaching Genre in the Theognidea”  &Բ;
Lawrence Kowerski, Hunter College  
“The use of aphorism in Heraclitus and Epicurus: two opposite models?” &Բ;
Ignacio García Peña, University of Salamanca 

3:15 pm Break
3:30 pm

Session 2
Chair: Stephen Lasse, 鶹AV
“Tragedy and Horror in Euripides’s Medea”
Craig Jendza, Denison University,   &Բ;
“The ‘Fabula Anilis’ for the Dead: Women and Imparted Knowledge of the Underworld” 
Stephen Fodroczi, Cornell University 

5:00 pm Break
5:15 pm Keynote Speech:
“Plato and the Carnival of Genre” presented by Kathryn Morgan, UCLA
7:00 pm Reception

Day 2: April 26th

Time Agenda
10:00 am Gathering & Coffee
10:30 am

Session 3
Chair: Lillian King Abadal, 鶹AV

“Self-Knowledge in Tragedy, Comedy, Philosophy”
Andrew Payne, St. Joseph’s University, 
“The Nature of Beauty Between Sappho and Plato” 
Jonathan Fine, Georgetown University

12:00 Noon Lunch
2:00 pm

Session 4
Chair: Madeline Martin-Seaver, 鶹AV

“A Dialogue within a Dialogue: The Many Purposes of Plato’s Frames”  
Cara Cummings, Morgan State University 
“Persuasion and Justice in the Afterlife Myths of the Phaedo and the Gorgias”&Բ;
Nicholas Baima, Florida Atlantic University 

3:30 pm Break
3:45 pm

Session 5
Chair: Jessica Williams, 鶹AV

“Comic Sense and Tragic Sensibility in Plato’s Philebus” &Բ;
Kevin Kambo, University of Dallas &Բ;
“Multivalence and Candor in Plato’s Menexenus”&Բ;
Alfredo Watkins, Duke University 

Day 3: April 27th

Time Agenda
10:30 am Gathering & Coffee
11:00 am

Session 6
Chair: Jackson Garcia, 鶹AV

“The Four Causes of Tragedy”  &Բ;
Benjamin Koons, University of St. Thomas 
“Probability and Necessity in Aristotle’s Physics”  &Բ;
Eugene Garver, St. John’s University/ University of Texas

12:30 pm Lunch
1:15 pm

Session 7
Chair: Clinton Kinkade, 鶹AV

“Generic Cognition in Post-Hellenistic Rhetoric: ps.-Demetrius, Dionysius, and Hermogenes” &Բ;
Henry Bowles, University of Oxford 
“Poets and Pedagogues: A Comparison of Homeric Epimerisms” &Բ;
Arshy Azizi, University of Chicago

2:45 pm

General Discussion & Farewell