About Title IX at Â鶹ÃÛÌÒAV
Education Amendments of 1972
Section 1681. Sex
(a) Prohibition against discrimination; exceptions. No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance, except that:
(1) Classes of educational institutions subject to prohibition
in regard to admissions to educational institutions, this section shall apply only
to institutions of vocational education, professional education, and graduate higher
education, and to public institutions of undergraduate higher education;
(2) Educational institutions commencing planned change in admissions
in regard to admissions to educational institutions, this section shall not apply
(A) for one year from June 23, 1972, nor for six years after June 23, 1972, in the
case of an educational institution which has begun the process of changing from being
an institution which admits only students of one sex to being an institution which
admits students of both sexes, but only if it is carrying out a plan for such a change
which is approved by the Secretary of Education or (B) for seven years from the date
an educational institution begins the process of changing from being an institution
which admits only students of one sex to being an institution which admits students
of both sexes, but only if it is carrying out a plan for such a change which is approved
by the Secretary of Education, whichever is the later;
(3) Educational institutions of religious organizations with contrary religious tenets
this section shall not apply to any educational institution which is controlled by
a religious organization if the application of this subsection would not be consistent
with the religious tenets of such organization;
(4) Educational institutions training individuals for military services or merchant
this section shall not apply to an educational institution whose primary purpose is
the training of individuals for the military services of the United States, or the
merchant marine;
(5) Public educational institutions with traditional and continuing admissions policy
in regard to admissions this section shall not apply to any public institution of
undergraduate higher education which is an institution that traditionally and continually
from its establishment has had a policy of admitting only students of one sex;
(6) Social fraternities or sororities; voluntary youth service organizations
this section shall not apply to membership practices --
(A) of a social fraternity or social sorority which is exempt from taxation under section 501(a) of Title 26, the active membership of which consists primarily of students in attendance at an institution of higher education, or
(B) of the Young Men's Christian Association, Young Women's Christian Association; Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, Camp Fire Girls, and voluntary youth service organizations which are so exempt, the membership of which has traditionally been limited to persons of one sex and principally to persons of less than nineteen years of age;
(7) Boy or Girl conferences
this section shall not apply to--
(A) any program or activity of the American Legion undertaken in connection with the organization or operation of any Boys State conference, Boys Nation conference, Girls State conference, or Girls Nation conference; or
(B) any program or activity of any secondary school or educational institution specifically for--
(i) the promotion of any Boys State conference, Boys Nation conference, Girls State conference, or Girls Nation conference; or
(ii) the selection of students to attend any such conference;
(8) Father-son or mother-daughter activities at educational institutions
this section shall not preclude father-son or mother-daughter activities at an educational
institution, but if such activities are provided for students of one sex, opportunities
for reasonably comparable activities shall be provided for students of the other sex;
(9) Institutions of higher education scholarship awards in "beauty" pageants
this section shall not apply with respect to any scholarship or other financial assistance
awarded by an institution of higher education to any individual because such individual
has received such award in any pageant in which the attainment of such award is based
upon a combination of factors related to the personal appearance, poise, and talent
of such individual and in which participation is limited to individuals of one sex
only, so long as such pageant is in compliance with other nondiscrimination provisions
of Federal law.
(b) Preferential or disparate treatment because of imbalance in participation or receipt
of Federal benefits; statistical evidence of imbalance.
Nothing contained in subsection (a) of this section shall be interpreted to require
any educational institution to grant preferential or disparate treatment to the members
of one sex on account of an imbalance which may exist with respect to the total number
or percentage of persons of that sex participating in or receiving the benefits of
any federally supported program or activity, in comparison with the total number or
percentage of persons of that sex in any community, State, section, or other area:
Provided, that this subsection shall not be construed to prevent the consideration
in any hearing or proceeding under this chapter of statistical evidence tending to
show that such an imbalance exists with respect to the participation in, or receipt
of the benefits of, any such program or activity by the members of one sex.
(c) Educational institution defined.
For the purposes of this chapter an educational institution means any public or private
preschool, elementary, or secondary school, or any institution of vocational, professional,
or higher education, except that in the case of an educational institution composed
of more than one school, college, or department which are administratively separate
units, such term means each such school, college or department.
Section 1682. Federal administrative enforcement; report to Congressional committees
Each Federal department and agency which is empowered to extend Federal financial
assistance to any education program or activity, by way of grant, loan, or contract
other than a contract of insurance or guaranty, is authorized and directed to effectuate
the provisions of section 1681 of this title with respect to such program or activity
by issuing rules, regulations, or orders of general applicability which shall be consistent
with achievement of the objectives of the statute authorizing the financial assistance
in connection with which the action is taken. No such rule, regulation, or order shall
become effective unless and until approved by the President. Compliance with any requirement
adopted pursuant to this section may be effected (l) by the termination of or refusal
to grant or to continue assistance under such program or activity to any recipient
as to whom there has been an express finding on the record, after opportunity for
hearing, of a failure to comply with such requirement, but such termination or refusal
shall be limited to the particular political entity, or part thereof, or other recipient
as to whom such a finding has been made, and shall be limited in its effect to the
particular program, or part thereof, in which such noncompliance has been so found,
or (2) by any other means authorized by law: Provided, however, that no such action
shall be taken until the department or agency concerned has advised the appropriate
person or persons of the failure to comply with the requirement and has determined
that compliance cannot be secured by voluntary means. In the case of any action terminating,
or refusing to grant or continue, assistance because of failure to comply with a requirement
imposed pursuant to this section, the head of the Federal department or agency shall
file with the committees of the House and Senate having legislative jurisdiction over
the program or activity involved a full written report of the circumstances and the
grounds for such action. No such action shall become effective until thirty days have
elapsed after the filing of such report.
Section 1683. Judicial Review
Any department or agency action taken pursuant to section 1682 of this title shall
be subject to such judicial review as may otherwise be provided by law for similar
action taken by such department or agency on other grounds. In the case of action,
not otherwise subject to judicial review, terminating or refusing to grant or to continue
financial assistance upon a finding of failure to comply with any requirement imposed
pursuant to section 1682 of this title, any person aggrieved (including any State
or political subdivision thereof and any agency of either) may obtain judicial review
of such action in accordance with chapter 7 of title 5, United States Code, and such
action shall not be deemed committed to unreviewable agency discretion within the
meaning of section 701 of that title.
Section 1684. Blindness or visual impairment; prohibition against discrimination
No person in the United States shall, on the ground of blindness or severely impaired
vision, be denied admission in any course of study by a recipient of Federal financial
assistance for any education program or activity; but nothing herein shall be construed
to require any such institution to provide any special services to such person because
of his blindness or visual impairment.
Section 1685. Authority under other laws unaffected
Nothing in this chapter shall add to or detract from any existing authority with respect
to any program or activity under which Federal financial assistance is extended by
way of a contract of insurance or guaranty.
Section 1686. Interpretation with respect to living facilities
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this chapter, nothing contained
herein shall be construed to prohibit any educational institution receiving funds
under this Act, from maintaining separate living facilities for the different sexes.
Section 1687. Interpretation of "program or activity"
For the purposes of this title, the term "program or activity" and "program" mean
all of the operations of --
(l)(A) a department, agency, special purpose district, or other instrumentality of
a State or of a local government; or
(B) the entity of such State or local government that distributed such assistance
and each such department or agency (and each other State or local government entity)
to which the assistance is extended, in the case of assistance to a State or local
(2)(A) a college, university, or other post-secondary institution, or a public system
of higher education; or
(B) a local educational agency (as defined in section2854(a)(10) of this title, system
of vocational education, or other school system;
(3)(A) an entire corporation, partnership, or other private organization, or an entire
sole proprietorship --
(i) if assistance is extended to such corporation, partnership, private organization,
or sole proprietorship as a whole; or
(ii) which is principally engaged in the business of providing education, health care,
housing, social services, or parks and recreation; or
(B) the entire plant or other comparable, geographically separate facility to which
Federal financial assistance is extended, in the case of any other corporation, partnership,
private organization, or sole proprietorship; or
(4) any other entity which is established by two or more of the entities described
in paragraph (l), (2) or (3);
any part of which is extended Federal financial assistance, except that such term
does not include any operation of an entity which is controlled by a religious organization
if the application of section 1681 if this title to such operation would not be consistent
with the religious tenets of such organization.
Section 1688. Neutrality with respect to abortion
Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to require or prohibit any person, or public
or private entity, to provide or pay for any benefit or service, including the use
of facilities, related to an abortion. Nothing in this section shall be construed
to permit a penalty to be imposed on any person or individual because such person
or individual is seeking or has received any benefit or service related to a legal
Florida Sexual Battery Rape Laws
(In Florida, "rape" is called "sexual battery")
- Sexual Battery/ Rape is the: "Oral, anal or vaginal penetration by, or union with a sexual organ of another or anal/vaginal penetration of another by any other object."
- The sexual act(s) is/ are performed without the victim's consent.
- An individual who is mentally incapacitated,asleep, physically helpless or unconscious due to alcohol or other drug consumption is considered unable to give consent.
- The same definition applies regardless of whether the assailant is a stranger or a non-stranger.
- The type of force employed may involve physical violence, coercion or threat of harm to the victim. The victim is not required to physically fight back.
- "Consent" means intelligent, knowing, and voluntary consent and does not include coerced submission or submission out of fear. "Consent" shall not be deemed or construed to mean the failure by the alleged victim to offer physical resistance to the offender.
- "Mentally incapacitated" means temporarily incapable of appraising or controlling a person's own conduct due to the influence of a narcotic, anesthetic, or intoxicating substance
- "Physically helpless" means unconscious, asleep, or for any other reason physically unable to communicate consent or lack of consent.
- "Physically incapacitated" means bodily impaired or handicapped and substantially limited in ability to resist or flee.