Current QEP: ExCeL
Current WorkGroup
A cross functional workgroup accepted a one-year charge to lay the groundwork and launch the ExCeL QEP.
2024-25 Membership
Chair: Addye Buckley-Burnell, Associate Vice President and Executive Director, Center for Career & Professional Development
- Christine Brown, Associate Vice President, Innovative Education
- Allison Cleveland-Roberts, Associate Dean for Academics, College of Arts & Sciences
- Robin Ersing, School Director & Professor, School of Public Affairs
- Sidney Fernandes, Vice President & Chief Information Officer, Information Technology
- Rebecca Gibbons, Assistant Director for Accreditation, Regulatory Compliance & Assessment, Office of Decision Support
- Timothy Henkel, Assistant Vice Provost for Teaching & Learning & Director, Center for Innovative Teaching & Learning
- Saundra Johnson Austin, Director for Student Engagement in Research and Innovation, Research and Innovation
- Donna Milakovic, Director of Strategic Initiatives, Center for Career & Professional Development
- Renee Rotondo, Director, Student Success Communications & Marketing
- Stephen Stark, Vice Provost for Faculty Development, Office of the Provost
- Kaya van Beynen, Associate Dean - Research & Instruction, Libraries
- Jennifer Yucas, Associate Professor of Graphic Design, College of the Arts