About Us
CFS Publications
CFS Impact Report
The Impact Report provides a general overview and highlights accomplishments of our academic programs, research, and technical assistance initiatives. Our diverse research portfolio, combined with increased academic programs in behavioral health have created new energy and stronger commitments to improving the quality and effectiveness of services in behavioral health settings.

Peer-Reviewed Journals Edited Within CFS
The "Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research" (JBHS&R) is a peer-reviewed, multidisciplinary journal that publishes articles on the organization, financing, delivery, dissemination and implementation, and outcomes of behavioral health services, including alcohol, substance use, and mental disorders. The JBHS&R is the official publication of the National Council for Mental Wellbeing. The Editor-in-Chief of JBHS&R is CFS Faculty member Dr. Bruce Lubotsky Levin.
Faculty/Staff Publications
View individual faculty and staff bio pages for additional information on publications.