Stealth Lab
Lab Honors
This page is meant to recognize the achievements and success of the STEALTH Lab members. This page includes, but is not limited to awards, scholarships, and recognition related to research, academics, teaching, and anything else worth celebrating.
Dr. Claire Smith won the "Best Poster" award at the 2023 Postdoctoral Research Symposium for her project titled, “Sleep well by design: Designing modern jobs to support and sustain sleep health.”
Christina Mu was selected as the 2023 O’Neill/Hyer Summer Policy Intern. This internship is through the Gerontological Society of America (GSA) and was named in memory of Kathryn Hyer, MPP, PhD, FGSA, FAGHE, and Greg O’Neill, PhD, who were policy scholars and long-time GSA members.
Christina Mu was awarded a tuition scholarship for the Epidemiology and Population Health Summer Institute (Episummer) – Sleep Epidemiology Workshop at Columbia University, Department of Epidemiology.
Dr. Soomi Lee received the Springer Early Career Achievement Award by the American Psychological Association, Division 20. This is a competitive award that honors an individual whose work has made significant early career contributions to understanding critical issues in the psychology of adult development and aging.
Christina Mu received the National Institutes of Health/National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award Predoctoral Fellowship to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research (F31-Diversity). Her project is titled “Protecting Healthcare Workers’ Health and Well-being: The Joint Effects of Sleep and Pain, and Moderations by Work Characteristics.”
Aziz Rehman and Kian Huang were accepted into the 鶹AV Morsani College of Medicine through the 7-year BS/MD Program.
Aziz Rehman received the Emerging Scholar and Professional Organization (ESPO) travel award for the 2022 Gerontological Society of America (GSA) Meeting.
Christina Mu received the Boaz Kahana Student Poster Award and two travel awards from the Behavioral and Social Sciences section and ESPO section for the 2022 GSA Meeting.
Dr. Soomi Lee, Dr. Claire Smith, Christina Mu, Kristin Calfee, Ashley Price, Joseph Obiagwu, and Aziz Rehman presented their research at the Gerontological Society of America (GSA) Annual Conference in November 2022.
Dr. Soomi Lee, Kristin Calfee, and Cassandra Richardson presented their research at the American Psychological Association (APA) Annual Conference in August 2022.
Christina Mu was awarded the 2022-2023 H. Edward Greely and Mildred Freely Endowed Fellowship in Aging Studies.
Christina Mu was the keynote speaker at the Moffitt Nursing EBP/PI/Research Day on April 23, 2022. She presented research from the STEALTH Lab.
Angelina Venetto has been accepted into the 鶹AV, School Psychology Ph.D. program and will begin Fall 2022.
Angelina Venetto was awarded the prestigious Scholars in Teaching, Applied Research, and Service Fellowship hosted by 鶹AV and the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Arooj Khan has been accepted into the Doctor of Dental Medicine program at the University of Florida and at the University of Pennsylvania.
Joseph Obiagwu presented his research at the 2022 鶹AV Undergraduate Research Conference.
Taylor Vigoureux was awarded the Summer 2022 Dissertation Completion Fellowship from the Office of Graduate Studies at the 鶹AV.
Kristin Calfee was awarded the 2021-2022 University Graduate Fellowship in Aging Studies.
Dr. Soomi Lee, Dr. Claire Smith, Christina Mu, Taylor Vigoureux, and Cassandra Richardson presented their individual research projects at the Gerontological Society of America's 2021 Scientific Meeting Online.
Cassandra Richardson received the GSA Emerging Scholar and Professional Organization – Carol Schutz Registration
Dr. Soomi Lee was awarded a grant from the National Institute of Aging to conduct a new study on Sleep Health Profiles in Middle-aged Adults in Relation to Cardiovascular Health.
Karley Deason received the 2021-2022 Wiley P. Mangum Scholarship Award.
Dr. Claire Smith successfully defended her dissertation and received her Ph.D. in Industrial/Organizational Psychology from Bowling Green State University.
2020 STEALTH Lab Awards
Dr. Soomi Lee received The Junior Faculty Excellence Award by the Women in Leadership & Philanthropy, at the 鶹AV. This is a competitive research grant to one faculty member who holds a tenure-track appointment at the level of assistant professor.
Cassandra Richardson presented her individual research at the 鶹AV Department of Psychology’s 2020 Psychology Expo and was the sole recipient of the Undergraduate Poster Award.
Taylor Vigoureux, Christina Mu, Cassandra Richardson, Angelina Venetto, Karley Deason,
Rhitik Joshi, Breann LaRocque, Britney Veal, and Taylor Harris presented their individual research projects at the Gerontological Society of America's
2020 Scientific Meeting Online.
Karley Deason received the Mom's Project Undergraduate Research Scholarship Award.
Karley Deason was awarded the We Love Research Outstanding Undergraduate Research Poster Award ($100).
Christina Mu received Honorable Mention in the National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research
Fellowship Program.
Taylor Harris was accepted into University of Kansas, Counseling Psychology Ph.D. Program and Nova
Southeastern University, Clinical Psychology Program. She accepted University of Kansas
and will begin Fall 2020.
Britney Veal was accepted into the 鶹AV, School of Aging Studies Ph.D.
Program and the Nova Southeastern University, Clinical Psychology Program. She accepted
鶹AV and will begin Fall 2020.
Christina Mu was awarded the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program (NSF GRFP) Honorable Mention.
Taylor Vigoureux had her first first-author manuscript accepted for publication in the Journal of Sleep Research.
Rhitik Joshi was selected as an Honors Peer Mentor for Fall 2020.
Christina Mu entered the 鶹AV, School of Aging Studies Ph.D. Program.
Christina Mu was awarded the Graduate Student Success Fellowship from the Office of Graduate Studies
at the 鶹AV.
Nabila Rehman graduated from the 鶹AV Honors College.
Nabila Rehman entered Nova Southeastern University, College of Osteopathic Medicine D.O. Program.