
Information for Students

Table of Contents

Step 1: Create Your SONA Account (~2 minutes to complete)

Sona is an online management system where you can view and participate in online studies offered by the lab. However, you must first create a Sona account for yourself.

Note: If you participated in the lab before, you must still create a Sona account as every student account is deleted at the end of each semester.

  1. Click on the light green ‘鶹AV NetID Log In’ button
  2. Select the correct course(s) for which you want to earn extra credit
    (e.g., ‘Morgan, Sec. 902, MAR 4933, Social Media Marketing’)
  3. If you are in multiple courses offering extra credit, make sure to select each course to ensure they are linked to your account
  4. Click ‘Request Account’ and you are good to go!

Step 2: Check for Available Studies and Participate

  1. Click on the ‘Available Studies’ button on your account homepage. You are eligible to complete any study you see on this page. You will receive email notifications when studies are made available during the summer session.

  2. You can only complete each study once and you can only apply the credit you earn for a study to a single course (i.e., you cannot apply the same credit to multiple courses).

  3. Online and In-Person Participation
    • Online Study: To participate, click on the Study Title and then ‘View Study Website’. This will immediately redirect you to a separate page (or tab) where you can complete the online session.

    • In-Person Study: To participate, click on the Study Title and then select a time slot to participate that works with your schedule. Arrive at the lab ~5 minutes before your study begins. The lab is located in BSN 2404.

  4. Once you have participated, you can navigate to the ‘My Schedule/Credits’ tab from the Sona homepage on your account to confirm you received credit.
    ** If you are in multiple courses, click “Reassign Credit” to choose the course you want the credit to go towards. **

If you have any questions at any time, please do not hesitate to reach out to the lab management team at or consult the Center for Marketing & Sales Innovation website.