Nathan Barrick
Email: barrickn@usf.edu
Nathan “Nate” Barrick is a National Security and International Affairs strategic consultant with over twenty-five years of experience in supporting commanders, policy makers, and business leaders. His Ph.D. research topic is the U.S. National Security Strategy development process for the 21st Century. Nate testified before a Congressional Sub-Committee regarding the “Post-2014 Terrorist Threat to Central Asia” and is the author of several works, including Blind Faults and Outstretched Hands: Insider Perspectives on American Assistance to Iran after the 2003 Bam Earthquake and articles on Registan.net and in the International Center for Sports Security Journal. Besides his interest in international and national security issues, Nate is an advocate for the empowerment of women and girls in leadership. He is an Advisory Board Member for the Florida Chapter of and was a moderator for a “Women in Jihad” panel at 鶹AV in April 2015.
PhD, Government, Univeristy of South Florida (2019)
M.A. Russian, East European and Eurasion Studies, Stanford University, CA (2003)
B.S. Military History, US Military Academy at West Point, NY (1989)