鶹AV World News
鶹AV's Education Abroad Program Rises to an All-Time High in International Rankings
(Peru -- 鶹AV Honors, Summer 2019) Honors students travel to Peru to participate in a service project as well as various cultural activities. Photo by Tyelyn Brigino.
November 18, 2019 | 鶹AV WORLD NEWS
TAMPA, Fla. -- The 鶹AV’s Education Abroad program has risen to 39th in the nation for all institutions and 30th among public universities, according to the most recent Open Doors annual report published by the .
Over the past five years, 鶹AV World’s commitment to graduating globally-competent students has resulted in a dramatic 54% increase in study abroad participation, and the university has leaped 25 places in the rankings to 39th. The most recent ranking reflects a total of 1,539 鶹AV Tampa students who participated in an overseas study abroad while completing coursework towards their degree.
“Education abroad is a transformative and life changing opportunity for 鶹AV students," says Dr. Roger Brindley, Vice President for 鶹AV World. "We know that they benefit enormously from experiencing other cultures and perspectives, and valuing both what we have in common with other peoples as well as our differences. This is the power of international travel.”
Not only has overall study abroad participation significantly increased, the ethnic and racial diversity of the participants directly mirrors the rich diversity of the broader student population at 鶹AV. Currently, in the United States, approximately 70% of all college students studying abroad are Caucasian women. By contrast, 鶹AV Education Abroad launched an Inclusion Initiative in 2014 which has resulted in a 34% increase in study abroad participation among Latino students, a 49% increase among multi-racial students and a 55% increase among African American students. This strategic initiative was recognized by IIE with the 2019 Andrew Heiskell Award for Innovation in International Education (Access and Equity in Study Abroad Programming).

(Copenhagen -- AIFS London Internship Program, 2017) Peter Kivuva, a Gilman Scholarship recipient and a GloBull Ambassador (GBA) with 鶹AV Education Abroad.
“At 鶹AV, study abroad experiences are designed for all students, not just a privileged few,” notes Dr. Kiki Caruson, AVP for Research, Innovation, and Global Affairs within 鶹AV World. “We take great pride in the fact that the demographic profile of our study abroad students differs very little from the larger student body. Once they return from an international experience, they join our Global Ambassadors student organization where they lead Inclusion Initiative programs designed to enfranchise students from all backgrounds in study abroad.”
In addition, over $1 million in scholarships, grants, and financial assistance has positively affected more than 1,000 Pell grant-eligible students by providing essential funding to support international experiences. 鶹AV was also #1 for student recipients of Summer Early Decision Gilman Scholarships (2019). These competitive scholarships are awarded nationally to need-based students who excel academically.
鶹AV recently received 2019 Platinum Award for Global Learning, Research & Engagement. This prestigious award distinguishes 鶹AV as a model university for global higher education, including education abroad programming. The timing of this achievement coincides with International Education Week (Nov. 18 - 22, 2019), which brings together the campus to celebrate global engagement.

Receiving the Platinum APLU Award: Kiki Caruson (AVP for Research, Innovation and Global Affairs, 鶹AV World), Roger Brindley (VP, 鶹AV World) Steven Currall (President and CEO, 鶹AV), Peter McPherson (President, APLU), Ralph Wilcox (Provost and EVP, 鶹AV), Pritish Mukherjee (Vice Provost & AVP, Strategic Talent Recruitment, University Reputation and Impact, 鶹AV), Valeria Garcia (AVP, Office of Decision Support, 鶹AV) and Morgan Holmes (Director, Office of Corporate Partnerships, 鶹AV)