Tutoring Hub

Level II - Certified Tutor

Level II tutor training further explores the foundational skills, attitudes, and behaviors developed in Level I while delving into the psychological and philosophical underpinnings of tutoring for both individual and group peer tutoring. 

Student Learning Outcomes for Level II Certification: 

  • Apply the skills, attitudes, and behaviors from Level 1 training.
  • Apply appropriate questioning techniques based on several factors.
  • Select appropriate strategies and activities to promote tutee understanding based on current learning theory.  
  • Recommend and incorporate appropriate resources to promote active and independent learning.  
  • Incorporate content specific strategies to assist tutee success. 
    Suggest and/or model study skills that promote tutee success. 

Level II tutor training is offered as a 12-hour, 6-week, in-person course. Tutors must be Level I certified to be eligible to enroll. 

In addition to completing Level II training, tutors will need to accumulate an additional 25 hours of appointment-based tutoring or 50 hours of drop-in based tutoring to be eligible for certification.