How Well Are You?
Assess your Physical Wellness
Overall physical wellness involves balancing your physical activity, the foods you eat, getting adequate sleep, and noticing your body’s warning signs.
Read the following statements and answer how much each statement reflects you.
- I engage in physical exercise regularly (e.g., 30 mins at least 5x a week or 10,000 steps a day)
- I get 6-8 hours of sleep each night.
- I protect myself and others from getting ill (e.g., wash my hands, cover my cough, etc.).
- I abstain from drinking alcohol; or if I do drink, I aim to keep my BAC under .06.
- I avoid using tobacco products or other drugs.
- I eat a balanced diet (fruits, vegetables, low-moderate fat, whole grains).
- I get regular physical exams (i.e., annual, when I have atypical symptoms).
- I drink the recommended amount of liquids (eight 8-ounce glasses).
- I have good endurance or aerobic capacity.
- I have more than enough energy to meet my daily responsibilities.
If you answer “sometimes,” “rarely,” or “never” for any of the statements, there is room for improvement. You can check out these campus resources for help.
I am interested in...
1. Balancing My Life
Balance and moderation in life are key to success. A common drug, known as the internet, can be very addictive. For more information and advice on how to balance your life in college, follow the link below.
2. Concerned About Someone's Well-Being
If you are concerned about someone's wellbeing, please submit a referral through Student Outreach & Support.
3. Doctor Visits/Check Ups
If you are not feeling well or just want to get a check-up, you can schedule an appointment with the clinic, call or stop in!
4. Eating Better
Good eating habits can greatly improve your daily life. You will have more energy, lower your risk for certain diseases, store less fat, etc. Start your journey to a better diet with help from the following 鶹AV resources.
5. Hungry, But Can't Afford Food
If you struggle to make a choice between purchasing food and other necessary items, consider visitng the Feed-A-Bull Pantry, which provides supplemental food to students in need. For more information about this resource, click below.
6. Improving My Physical Fitness
Want to have more confidence? Self-esteem, energy, strength? If you answered yes to any of those, 鶹AV can help. View the different areas the 鶹AV recreation has to offer below.
7. Improving My Sleeping Habits
Sleep? Who needs that? Well, you might overlook getting enough sleep here and there, but habitually doing so can lead to serious problems. Luckily, 鶹AV has some handy resources to help you with counting sheep.
8. Prescription Refill Requests
Need a refill for your prescription? Look no further, follow the link below for more information. *For existing Bulls Country Pharmacy prescriptions
9. Sexual Health
Your sexual health plays a big role in your physical wellness. We offer resources and free STI testing several times a year. Need more information on this? See below.
10. Work With A Coach
Have you set some personal health goals for yourself? Unsure of where to start in leading a lifestyle that aligns with those goals? Need a bit of accountability to help you stay on track? Working with a Success and Wellness Coach can help you develop a plan to meet and exceed your personal health goals.
Self-Assessment provided by:
Princeton UMatter Initiative. (2016). Princeton UMatter Wellness Self-Assessment. Retrieved from