About Us
The Center for Leadership and Civic Engagement (CLCE) at the Tampa campus develops students into leaders who will make a positive difference in the world. These programs help each student discover their passion and talents, while developing their skills and understanding of leadership and active citizenship.
What Can You Gain by Participating In Our Programs?
- Build your knowledge, skills and confidence as a leader in order to achieve greater
success in every area of your life.
- Explore current, relevant and global issues that will spark your engaged citizenship.
- Practice strategies for leading positive change, such as forming organizations, planning
events, volunteering, fundraising, and creating awareness campaigns.
- Learn concepts and skills that will help you achieve greater success in every area
of your life: interpersonal communication, goal-setting, conflict resolution, team-building,
time management, ethics, critical thinking, project planning, and cutting edge leadership
- Become more aware of issues that require your leadership and service: i.e. community,
professional ethics, environment challenges, politics, education, healthcare, international
relations, etc.
- Learn and practice effective strategies for creating positive change in your communities:
Service, philanthropy, intergroup dialogue, peer education, organizational leadership
- Receive recognition for your accomplishments in leadership and civic engagement: Service Awards, Golden Bull Awards, Leadership Awards
To learn more about Leadership & Civic Engagement programs and services offered on our other campuses, visit the links below.