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The Departments cognizant Vice President or VP Designee will be responsible for maintaining a list of all Exception Requests and the signed, original forms. A list of exceptions by VP area will be reviewed by the Finance Management Council on an annual basis. Subsequent to an approval, the Department is responsible for processing payment and must forward a copy of the approved exception to Purchasing and Accounts Payable accompanying the approved form of payment for the exception. If an exception is approved for over maximum allowance, a copy of the approved request must also accompany the allowance form submitted to Payroll. Payroll will not accept the allowance without the approved Request for Exception form. Within 5 days of activation, provide the cell phone number to the Department and VP area. 鶹AV Request for Exception To University Cell Phone/Cell Data/Computer Air Card Procedure (Please type or print) Requesting Department:Project No./Fund No. (Applies only to a Sponsored Project):Dean/Director:Supervisor:Employee(s):Employee(s) Position(s): Requested Exception (include monthly cost of the exception):  Justification for Requested Exception:  ______________________________________ __________________ Dean/Director Signature Date SPONSORED PROJECTS ONLY: ______________________________________ __________________ Sponsored Project Approval Date ______________________________________ __________________ Research Financial Management Approval Date Action: _____ Approved _____ Denied ______________________________________ __________________ Signature of Vice President or VP Designee Date     PAGE  Request for Exception to University Cell Phone/Cell Data/Computer Air Card Procedure01-23-09 35VWhsu         4 O ~    - 6 9 i XYZ[ϼϸϸϨϬϤϨϤϤϠh;hAhj}hJrh+h9Vh{Mhh1h,h] hc5>*hch {h55CJaJh55CJaJhc5CJaJ hc5hc5CJ aJ =4stu    Zgd+gd1h^hgdc & F gdc@&gdcgdc$a$gdc $@&a$gdcZ[*ABYZ $IfgdX3a $IfgdQe $@&a$gdc$a$gdc h@&^hgdj}gdc & F gdcgdA   AB[#$NOPQRSVW}3~yq~qe]h1hc5h_hc5CJaJhchQe5 hQe5 hc5h2rhc5CJaJhch4=5 hg5 h4=5hchc5hghcCJaJhhVTh55CJaJhhVThc5CJaJhhVThc5CJaJhhVThcCJaJhhVThc5CJaJhc5CJ aJ hchA Z[pg^ $IfgdX3a $IfgdP`kd$$Ifl0j' L  t 0644 lanp ytX3apg^ $IfgdX3a $IfgdQekd$$Ifl20j' L  t 0644 lanp ytX3apg^ $IfgdX3a $IfgdQekdl$$Ifl0j' L  t 0644 lanp ytX3apg^ $IfgdX3a $IfgdQekd"$$Ifl0j' L  t 0644 lanp ytX3apg^ $IfgdX3a $IfgdQekd$$Ifl0j' L  t 0644 lanp ytX3a !"pgggg $Ifgd9>kd$$Ifl0j' L  t 0644 lanp ytX3a"#$KLMNOPQRSTU $Ifgd9>jkdD$$Iflj'h% t0644 lanytc UVW2iii+$$d%d&d'dIfNOPQgdcjkd$$Iflj'h% t0644 lanytc234MN$% $Ifgd, $Ifgd9>jkdP$$Iflj'h%    t0644 lanytc 34KMNt#$%KWvw Ediopƾж鮶鮩ƾ鶡ЅtՅƾh_hc5CJaJ hJr5hchc5h_hc5CJaJhch4=5hchTF5 hTF5h,h4=5h,h,5hch.b5 h.b5 h5 h4=5h1h.b5h_h,5CJaJ h,5 hQe5h_h,5CJaJ- $IfgdJr $Ifgd9>lkd$$Iflj'h%    t0644 lanyt,6?IQR[defghhrVh,CJaJhX3aCJaJh,CJaJhgCJaJ h,0Jjh,0JUh,h(*Sh,5CJ$OJQJaJ$h{!jh{!U hCh_p h,5 h2*5 hJr5hchc5$y &`#$gd%\$a$gd(*Sgdgjkd$$Iflj'h%    t0644 lanytc 0efghgdg:&P1h/R :p,/ =!"#$% $$Ifn!vh#v #vL:V l  t 06,5 5Lanp ytX3a$$Ifn!vh#v #vL:V l2  t 06,5 5Lanp ytX3a$$Ifn!vh#v #vL:V l  t 06,5 5Lanp ytX3a$$Ifn!vh#v #vL:V l  t 06,5 5Lanp ytX3a$$Ifn!vh#v #vL:V l  t 06,5 5Lanp ytX3a$$Ifn!vh#v #vL:V l  t 06,5 5Lanp ytX3a}$$Ifn!vh#vh%:V l t065h%anytc$$Ifn!vh#vh%:V l t065h%/  anytc$$Ifn!vh#vh%:V l t065h%/  /   anytc$$Ifn!vh#vh%:V l t065h%/  /   anyt,$$Ifn!vh#vh%:V l t065h%/  /   anytcw02 0@P`p2( 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p8XV~ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@6666_HmH nH sH tH @`@ NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH RR 4Y Heading 1$@&5CJOJQJ\^JaJhDA`D Default Paragraph FontRi@R  Table Normal4 l4a (k (No List 4 @4 (*SFooter  !.)@. 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