ࡱ> .0/#` jbjbj 5j         !!!!!!$hjE  E   Z       L| p0 ^ ^ ^  0 EE  DbDb       COMMITTEE: Standing Committee on Research Misconduct CHARGE: The Standing Committee on Research Misconduct (SCRM) is charged with overseeing the investigation phase of research misconduct review in accordance with 鶹AV Policy 0-301, Misconduct in Research. The SCRM is responsible for 1) appointing the Investigation Panel when a Research Misconduct Inquiry proceeds to an Investigation; 2) charging the Investigation Panel with investigating the allegation(s); 3) reviewing the Investigation Panels Report; and 4) issuing its own SCRM Report for transmission to the Vice President for Research and Innovation; including nonbinding recommendations for corrective or disciplinary action. OPERATING PROCEDURES: The Standing Committee on Research Misconduct will develop its own operating procedures, subject to rules provided in the University Policy 0-301, Misconduct in Research. MEMBERSHIP: The Standing Committee on Research Misconduct will be comprised of six faculty members from different colleges or areas within the University. The members of the Standing Committee serve for staggered terms, with two of the members appointed for one year, two for two years, and two for three years. Membership terms are renewable. APPOINTMENT: 1. Nominations for membership on the Standing Committee will be solicited from the faculty via the 鶹AV Faculty Senate, Committee on Committees. 2. The Vice President for Research and Innovation will select members from the nominations and appoint nominees to serve. CHAIRPERSON: Designated by the Vice President for Research and Innovation ___________ Approved by the Faculty Senate, 01/21/09 klr  ! T \ r ( ) 6 ? C Q R j #2`hij|hD6h WCJOJQJaJhsCJOJQJaJhHRCJOJQJaJh%CJOJQJaJh sahHR>*CJOJQJaJhCJOJQJaJh `>*CJOJQJaJh `CJOJQJaJh WCJOJQJaJhHRhHRCJOJQJaJ-56 t u l m 34@ij p (^ `(gd @ ^@ `gdHR p0 p^p`gdp@&^p`gdCl p^p`gdHRgdHR@&gdClj3 0&P1h/ =!"#$% H@H Normal CJOJQJ_HaJmH sH tH DAD Default Paragraph FontViV  Table Normal :V 44 la (k(No List RYR Cl Document Map-D M CJ^JaJB'B  `Comment ReferenceCJaJ<<  ` Comment TextCJaJ@j@  `Comment Subject5\@@2@  ` Balloon Text CJ^JaJj56tulm34@il00000000000000000056tulm34@il000000000000000000000000000jj j 8@0(  B S  ?llkr T\rr''()6jkkll#2`hillB!:y*Lssws~NQ^be'H$^2ON  $Wc?g6b  ; Na 4x 3 N?:J]ss'F %?a%$ [j~! i "+r84OOv?-Q t!wA!A!HK!|K! s" #$8$eR$%<%<%O%H'K\'V|'()H(Zt()J*J* +4+m+Y. //00:0g>0sF0@P0^0t14-4%5D6+7+E78-Y8 99%s9cw:g ;W;;b&;F/;u;#G<'x<B>a@'uA#@BqBsB+Da]EWjE;FtVF(bFseF G&HI\Jj*JQ:J=J\J{JHKWLK]L:fNdO#PDP RR'R.R@Rl,SYS}TIT+rT!U_;A_qX_nb_ ` `V`>aq?a sap$cAcc/di1d-e ffGf[fy\hth]6i jUj k}zkCl(mQ4mJxm nKn_p.p%&(Oz4 w%(6IbqXeZzP7 F"a>bdPrf2(4vZ04a#Ttu 1@Z~ArVt|;5>:Dn0 `a12Q\)(b ^ktS9{OucrJ!ty/A9]_HQU\nmV"IylYk)r+ Wvs/7b2czpu|@f$grE'ZW(1LBJLFR:}AcMyfR>^7 >K8{6M?w1:hx3Kd-gz#?ncvzW &(d2f@ +<.>^EVLt5%XY;xz 4-<'7On%F@HjP@UnknownGz Times New Roman5Symbol3& z Arial5& zaTahoma"hццu u !xr4dgg2HX)?HR2 COMMITTEE:Rhonda HendrixcfcarverOh+'0|  8 D P\dlt COMMITTEE:Rhonda HendrixNormal cfcarver3Microsoft Office Word@F#@|@Dn|u՜.+,0 hp|  鶹AV g  COMMITTEE: Title  "#$%&'(+Root Entry F|-1Table ^WordDocument5SummaryInformation(DocumentSummaryInformation8!CompObjq  FMicrosoft Office Word Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89qRoot Entry Fл|21Table ^WordDocument5SummaryInformation(  1DocumentSummaryInformation8lCompObjq  FMicrosoft Office Word Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89q՜.+,D՜.+,8 hp|  鶹AV g  COMMITTEE: Title4 $,