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What is a National Scholar?
Competitive scholarship and fellowship programs provide opportunities for intellectual and professional development across the country and the world. This may include studying abroad, performing research, or participating in a graduate fellowship program. These awards are typically funded by governments or major foundations to support the most standout students. They propel recipients forward throughout their graduate programs and careers, offering them specialized training, mentorship, and connections.
But what are they looking for? What makes someone a scholar?

National scholarships are competitive for a reason. Selection committees seek people with intention to accomplish their goals and those who will become outstanding leaders. Seeking to drive progress, make change, or discover new ways to solve problems exemplifies this quality.
Where do your strengths intersect with society's needs? Focus doesn't mean future goals remain constant, but it does mean having a vision and deeper motive for your work.

Courage & Resilience
It takes bravery to step outside of the norm and pursue uncharted paths. It also takes strength to continue when we meet challenges. Failure is expected, but to keep trying is essential.
Being motivated by other people's expectations is not sustainable, and trying to be someone you are not will always show through. Selection committees are looking for people who can go the distance, and that means having a fundamental commitment to your purpose.

Strong scholars are critical thinkers who investigate their surrounding world. The very definition of scholar is to have an aptitude for study. There can be no progress without questioning.
Imagination helps us explore different ways of thinking. The ability to challenge tradition and envision new possibilities is necessary for growth and success. Creativity also helps us connect with others by being able to think from various points of view.

Commitment to excellence
Purposely listed last, excellence has many definitions. While grades and accolades are factors in most scholarship competitions, we look for students with their own interpretation of success. Outstanding character, work ethic, and attitude are excellent qualities.