Geological Oceanography
David F. Naar

David Naar
Associate Dean, Professor
Geological Oceanography
Ph.D., Scripps Institution of Oceanography, 1990
Office Phone: 727.553.1637
CV: View PDF
Research: Marine Magnetics; Mid-Ocean Ridge and Hotspot Interactions; Plate Tectonics;
Wax Analog Modeling of Seafloor Spreading Processes, Seafloor Mapping of Fish Habitats,
Artificial Reefs, Coral Reefs, Mines, Paleoshorelines, and Hydrothermal Vents.
Specialties: Sea Floor Mapping, Plate Tectonics
These research interests have been addressed with oceanographic seafloor mapping expeditions
to the Gulf of Mexico, Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans. Analyses of multibeam,
magnetics, gravity, side-scan sonar are made in conjunction with insight from a seafloor
spreading analog wax model. Ongoing projects include: Plate tectonic reconstruction
of the Pacific-Nazca plates, Off-axis volcanism along the Easter Seamount Chain, and
benthic habitat studies around Florida and the Bahamas.