Chemical Oceanography
Kristen Buck

Kristen N. Buck
Associate Research Professor
Chemical Oceanography
Office Phone: 727.553.1192
CV: View PDF
Southern Ocean Science Website
Research: Trace Metal Biogeochemistry; Metal-Binding Organic Ligands
Specialties: Trace Metal Biogeochemistry, Electrochemistry, Chemical Oceanography
Research in the Buck lab is focused on the biogeochemical cycling of trace metals
in marine ecosystems, with particular emphasis on the role of metal-binding ligands
in the cycling of bioactive trace elements like iron and copper. Iron (Fe) is an essential
micronutrient for phytoplankton that limits primary productivity in large regions
of the global open ocean. Copper (Cu), on the other hand, is a common anthropogenic
contaminant to estuarine and coastal oceans that can act as a toxicant to microorganisms
at elevated concentrations. The organic complexation of dissolved iron and copper
by largely uncharacterized natural ligands in seawater has proven to be an integral
component in the oceanic biogeochemistry of these metals, governing aspects of their
solubility, supply and bioavailability in the marine environment.
Recent research projects in the Buck lab have examined the distributions, sources
and sinks of natural iron- and copper-binding organic ligands in seawater, biological
transformations of iron and copper species, and the influence of copper-binding ligands
on bioavailability and toxicity of copper in contaminated coastal and estuarine environments.
The Buck lab has current funding from the National Science Foundation to measure iron-binding
ligand distributions on the U.S. GEOTRACES cruises in the North Atlantic and in the
Eastern Pacific, and to evaluate the influence of iron-binding ligands on iron cycling
processes in experimental studies. Dr. Buck is also currently a co-chair of the Scientific
Committee on Oceanic Research (SCOR) Working Group 130: Organic Ligands- A Key Control
on Trace Metal Biogeochemistry in the Ocean.