Outstanding Staff Awards

2024 Oustanding Staff Awards Highlight Reel

Each year, the Â鶹ÃÛÌÒAV seeks to recognize employees who demonstrate "above and beyond" performance excellence and support the values in Â鶹ÃÛÌÒAV's Strategic Plan - In Pursuit of Excellence. The hard work and dedication of these staff and administrative employees greatly contributes to Â鶹ÃÛÌÒAV's success and upward trajectory.

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THE 2024 nomination period is now CLOSED

Thank you everyone for submitting your nominations! We received more nominations than we have across the last several years, showcasing that the work our employees and teams are doing is above and beyond and aligns with Â鶹ÃÛÌÒAV's Stratgiec Plan. The Outstanding Staff Awards Planning Team along with Leadership have agreed to postponing the previously schedule ceremony that was set for November 1, 2024 in lieu of the closures we faced with Hurricane Helene and Hurricane Milton. The new ceremony date is January 24, 2025.

Current status: The Selection Committee members have selected the nominated winners for their areas. The selected winners were notified on Monday, December 2, 2024. Those that were nominated but not selected for this years award have been notified as of December 19, 2024. Review a public summary of all selected winners here

2024 Winners

2024 Individual Winners

2024 Individual Winners
Name Email Area
Abbie Holt abbieholt@usf.edu Bus&Fin-Controller's Office
Adrienne Pollard apollard@usf.edu Acad Affairs-SASS UGS
Amanda McNamara alett1@usf.edu Â鶹ÃÛÌÒAVHealth-College of Medicine
Amy Murray armurray@usf.edu Bus&Fin-Controller's Office
Anne Jetmundsen ajetmund@usf.edu Bus&Fin-University Treasury
Antoinette Puricelli apuricelli@usf.edu Executive Services
Audrey Holtzman aholtzman@usf.edu Â鶹ÃÛÌÒAVHealth-College of Nursing
Benjamin Pazian bpazian@usf.edu Â鶹ÃÛÌÒAVSP-Student Affairs
Bob Varghese bvarghese@usf.edu Info Tech-Information Tech
Brenda Andujar Colon andujarcolon@usf.edu Admin Svcs-Facilities Mgmt
Carlos Moreira  cjmoreira@usf.edu Sar/Man-Regional Chancellor
Caryn Nesmith carynn@usf.edu Â鶹ÃÛÌÒAVSP-External Affairs
Chad Wallace ctwallace@usf.edu Acad Affairs-SASS-OCE
Cherine Chehab cchehab@usf.edu Acad Affairs-Coll Engineering
Christa Nelson crnelson@usf.edu Exec Svcs-Human Resources
Christopher Ilse  CIlse@usf.edu Admin Svcs-Facilities Mgmt
Daniel Sacher-Brown dsacher@usf.edu Admin Svcs-University Police
Danielle Gamboni daniellehope@usf.edu Coll of Pharmacy - Dean's Offc
Deena Vanderbosch deenav@usf.edu Research-VP Research
Erica Lovelette ericalovelette@usf.edu Library
Erin May erinmay@usf.edu Â鶹ÃÛÌÒAVHealth-College of Medicine
Gengze Wei gwei@usf.edu Â鶹ÃÛÌÒAVHealth-College of Medicine
Gloria Roberts garoberts@usf.edu Acad Affairs-SASS Comm Dev&Eng
Holly Behrend Hbehrend@usf.edu Univ Advnc-Univ Advancement
James Green jamesgreen@usf.edu Acad Affairs-Â鶹ÃÛÌÒAV World
Jamie Lane jamielane@usf.edu Acad Affairs-Coll of Arts&Sci
Janet Reyes janetreyes@usf.edu Acad Affairs-Coll Beh Comm Sci
Jennifer Dent Jenniferdent@usf.edu Executive Services
Jennifer Fitzsimmons fitzsimm@usf.edu Acad Affairs-Coll of Education
Jessica Beyer jmbeyer@usf.edu Â鶹ÃÛÌÒAVHealth-Coll of Pharmacy
Jill Brown jillcbrown@usf.edu Acad Affairs-Coll of Business
Jim Fagan james438@usf.edu Acad Affairs-Coll of Arts&Sci
Jordon Hamilton  cjhamilton@usf.edu Admin Svcs-Facilities Mgmt
Kameron Talley kjtalley@usf.edu Acad Affairs-SASS-Health&Well
Kara Bowleg kbowleg@usf.edu Bus&Fin-Controller's Office
Kerianne Beckford kbeckfor@usf.edu Acad Affairs-Coll Beh Comm Sci
Kevin Lee clee24@usf.edu Acad Affairs-Honors College
Korin Judge kjudge@usf.edu Admin Svcs-Facilities Mgmt
Linda Betts lindabetts@usf.edu Admin Svcs-Facilities Mgmt
Melissa Deleon deleon@usf.edu Acad Affairs-Coll Engineering
Michelle Burnham  mburnham@usf.edu Â鶹ÃÛÌÒAVHealth-College of Medicine
Patricia Cleveland clevelan@usf.edu Acad Affairs-Coll Beh Comm Sci
Quincy Yott qyott@usf.edu Â鶹ÃÛÌÒAVHealth-College of Medicine
Ryan Jahn rjahn@usf.edu Â鶹ÃÛÌÒAVHealth-College of Medicine
Sarah Junke junke@usf.edu Acad Affairs-Coll of Arts&Sci
Scott Nolan snolan@wusf.org Univ Advnc-Univ Advancement
Shaterra Blocker swhite4@usf.edu Â鶹ÃÛÌÒAVHealth-Sr VP Health
Silvia Moreno smoreta@usf.edu Â鶹ÃÛÌÒAVHealth-Coll Public Health
Tad Schnaufer tschnaufer@usf.edu Executive Services
Tessa Slinn tessap@usf.edu Â鶹ÃÛÌÒAVHealth-College of Medicine
Tiffany Moretta tjs3@usf.edu Â鶹ÃÛÌÒAVHealth-College of Medicine
Victoria Ramirez  vmr3@usf.edu Acad Affairs-Coll of Arts&Sci
Victoria Stuart vlstuart@usf.edu Research-VP Research
Wayne Espinola wespinola@usf.edu UCM-Communications&Marketing

2024 Team Winners

Team Winners - Group 1
Name Email Area
Alexander Lorenz ajlorenz1@usf.edu Research-Sponsored Research
Alyson Perry alysoncondon@usf.edu Research-Sponsored Research
Chanda Haywood chaywood@usf.edu Research-Sponsored Research
Dena-Rose Wilson dmwilson1@usf.edu Research-VP Research
Elizabeth Lauer ealauer@usf.edu Research-VP Research
Eric Kern ericmkern@usf.edu Research-Sponsored Research
Erin Bhagvat ebhagvat@usf.edu Â鶹ÃÛÌÒAVHealth-Office of Research
Erin Jensen erin10@usf.edu Acad Affairs-Coll of Arts&Sci
Jissel Abuawad jabuawad@usf.edu Research-VP Research
John Johnson jtj2@usf.edu Research-VP Research
Kelsey Wilkinson kmwilkinson@usf.edu Acad Affairs-Fl Inst Oceanogr
Kevin Reyes krreyes@usf.edu Research-Sponsored Research
Laurence Vandeyar lvandeya@usf.edu Research-Sponsored Research
Omar Shaheen shaheen@usf.edu Research-VP Research
Reena Raturi rraturi@usf.edu Acad Affairs-Coll Engineering
Sara Labadie Siville slabadie@usf.edu Research-Sponsored Research
Sharon Taylor scorlett@usf.edu Research-Sponsored Research
Silvia Alvarez silviaa@usf.edu Research-Sponsored Research
Stephanie Rios srios@usf.edu

Research-Sponsored Research

Team Winners - Group 2
Name Email Area
Amethyst Clare Surpris aauza@usf.edu Â鶹ÃÛÌÒAVHealth-College of Medicine
Brianna Colton bcolton1@usf.edu Â鶹ÃÛÌÒAVHealth-Coll Public Health
Danielle Secker secker@usf.edu Â鶹ÃÛÌÒAVHealth-Coll Public Health
Kevin Hitt kevinhitt@usf.edu Executive Services
Mary Toth marytoth@usf.edu Â鶹ÃÛÌÒAVHealth-Coll Public Health
Neil Bleiweiss nbleiweiss@usf.edu Â鶹ÃÛÌÒAVHealth-Coll Public Health
Parnia Roghani Shareef proghani@usf.edu Â鶹ÃÛÌÒAVHealth-Coll Public Health
Sandra Miller Samiller@usf.edu Â鶹ÃÛÌÒAVHealth-Coll Public Health
Silvia Moreno smoreta@usf.edu Â鶹ÃÛÌÒAVHealth-Coll Public Health
Team Winners - Group 3
Name Email Area
Ebony Miller ebonymiller@usf.edu Acad Affairs-Coll of Arts&Sci
Jackie Malone jcm6@usf.edu Acad Affairs-Coll of Arts&Sci
Jessica Lassiter jessica5@usf.edu Acad Affairs-Coll of Arts&Sci
Kacey Jenkins jenkinsk1@usf.edu Acad Affairs-Coll of Arts&Sci
Kristina Hamp kristinahamp@usf.edu Â鶹ÃÛÌÒAVHealth-Coll Public Health
Russia Collins collinsr111@usf.edu Acad Affairs-Coll of Arts&Sci
Serina Lewis serinalewis@usf.edu Acad Affairs-Coll of Arts&Sci
Sue Girling suegirling@usf.edu Acad Affairs-Coll of Arts&Sci
Yana Sirotkin yanasirotkin@usf.edu Acad Affairs-Coll of Arts&Sci
Team Winners - Group 4
Name Email Area
Caryn Preston carynm@usf.edu Executive Services
James Welsh jlwelsh@usf.edu Executive Services
Julian Maguregui jmagureg@usf.edu Executive Services
Maria Gerakios mgerakios@usf.edu Executive Services

2024 Employee of the Year (Gabor Sponsored)

Employee of the Year Awards
Type Name Email Area
Administrative Danielle Gamboni daniellehope@usf.edu Coll of Pharmacy - Dean's Offc
Staff Erica Lovelette ericalovelette@usf.edu Library

Submitting nominations

Do you know a deserving individual or team that deserve recognition? When the 2025 nominatoin period opens, you'll be able to select the applicable nomination forms linked below. 

  • Individual Award Nomination Form | Submit a nomination sharing recognition of a single employee's "above and beyond" performance and support the values in Â鶹ÃÛÌÒAV's Strategic Plan.  
  • Team Award Nomination Form | Submit a nomination for the recognition of a team of employees for its execution of a project, plan and/or initiative that:
    • Break silos across OneÂ鶹ÃÛÌÒAV and incorporates a team from across two or more units and/or across two or more campuses,
    • Demonstrates above and beyond performance, and
    • Supports the values in Â鶹ÃÛÌÒAV's Strategic Plan - In Pursuit of Excellence.



All staff and administrative employees (in a regular, established position) continuously employed from July 1, 2023, through June 30, 2024, are eligible for nomination. To continue meeting eligibility, an employee must be employed on an established position thirty days prior to the awards ceremony to receive the award. Time spent in temporary (OPS) assignments will not count towards eligibility.

Faculty and temporary employees (student and non-student) are not eligible to be nominated for the Outstanding Staff Awards. However, faculty and temporary employees (student and non-student) are welcome to participate in nominating staff and administrative employees for recognition. 

Nomination Process for the Nominator

Complete your individual or team nomination online with the appropriate 2024 Outstanding Staff Awards Nomination Forms linked above. We will only accept nominations completed through the online form. Prepare the text of your nomination in advance; it is highly recommended that you write the body of your nomination ahead of time, using the prompts for the nomination form. You can then copy and paste the text into the fields provided on the online form.

Process for the Selection Committee

Central Human Resources (CHR) will validate eligibility, then provide the nominations of all eligible candidates to each VP Area Outstanding Staff Award (OSA) Selection Committee for review. CHR will maintain copies of all nomination forms.

frequently asked questions

Nomination Questions
Question Answer
How many employees can be included in a team nomination? To support our OneÂ鶹ÃÛÌÒAV approach, there is no longer a limit on how many employees may be nominated for a team award, but each member should have contributed significantly to the team. 
Who can submit an outstanding staff award nomination? Any member of the Â鶹ÃÛÌÒAV Community may submit an Outstanding Staff Award nomination. As a OneÂ鶹ÃÛÌÒAV program, we encourage nominations from members of all campuses in order to showcase the wide range of contributions of our staff and administrative employees. We also encourage nominations of staff and administrative employees who are essential workers, veterans, and members of historically marginalized groups. 
Can someone nominate an employee from a different department or VP area? Absolutely. An employee can nominate their colleague, supervisor, or someone they work with from a different area.
Can someone nominate themselves for an award? Yes! If an eligible employee would like to nominate themselves for an individual or team award, they are encouraged to do so.
Can someone be nominated for more than one award? Absolutely. An employee can win an individual and/or a team award.
I want to nominate a team but one of the team members has only been here six months. Is the team still eligible? Yes, though only team members that meet the eligibility criteria will be considered for an award. The team members not eligible can still attend the ceremony and cheer on their fellow team members from the audience, but they will not be recognized on stage or with a monetary award.
Eligibility Questions
Question Answer
Who is eligible for an Outstanding Staff Award? All regular staff and administration employees (with a position number) continuously employed on a position from July 1, 2023, through June 30, 2024, are eligible for nomination. Faculty and temporary employees (student and non-student) are not eligible to be nominated but are welcome to participate in nominating staff and administrative employees.
Are previous winners eligible to win again? Yes. There are no limits set regarding how many times an employee can receive an Outstanding Staff Award.
Ceremony Questions
Question Answer
When is the ceremony?  The selected winners, their direct supervsiors, and Senior Leadership will receive notification of the ceremony date and details to follow regarding parking, guests, and additional details. The selected winners will be notified once the Selection Committee has completed their review and selection.
If I am not a selected winner, can I attend?  Due to space limitations, we regret that not everyone will be able to attend in person. However, we are excited to share that the ceremony will be recorded, and photos will be made available for everyone to enjoy.
How are recipients recognized and awarded? Each individual Outstanding Staff Award recipient is recognized during our annual Outstanding Staff Awards ceremony, by their area leadership. Recipients are given a trophy and a monetary award of $500.


Award Winners 2021 |

Award Winners 2019 |

Award Winners 2018

Award Winners 2017

For more information, please contact HRevents@usf.edu.