About Us
C.R.E.A.T.E. Health
C.R.E.A.T.E. Health is dedicated to using tomorrow's technology to improve health, today!
Today more than ¼ of all Americans and 2/3 older adults live with multiple chronic conditions. The burden of chronic diseases encompasses a much broader spectrum of negative health consequences than death alone. People living with one or more chronic diseases often experience a diminished quality of life, generally reflected by a long period of disease associated decline and disability requiring continuous and expensive treatment for the duration of their lives.

The nation's expenditures for health care, already among the highest in developed countries, are expected to increase by 68% over the next 10 years as chronic diseases affect growing numbers of individuals. Today, more than 2/3 of health care costs are for treating chronic illnesses, and in older adults (the fastest growing segment of our population) chronic disease treatment accounts for 95% of health care expenditures. As the nature and magnitude of demand on the healthcare system shifts, our current, arguably flawed, fee-for-service based healthcare delivery system has become costly, unsustainable, and comparatively ineffective. The response to this pressure has largely been a systems re-engineering approach to examine and redesign interlocking health system components at the community (i.e. home-based care and prevention) and organizational (i.e. healthcare delivery systems) levels, often integrating technological advances including but not limited to sensor and information technology.

C.R.E.A.T.E. Health (Collaborative for Research & Education in Aging and Technology) is an interdisciplinary team of faculty, graduate students, undergraduate students and staff focusing on improving the health and quality of life outcomes of aging populations through the use of technology.