Faculty & Staff

Nicholas Albergo, PE, DEE, MSCE
Professor of Practice - Environmental
Office: ENC 3215 | Email | 813-974-2275

Dr. Katherine Alfredo, PE
Assistant Professor - Environmental
Office: ENC 3212 | Email | Phone: 813-974-9612
Research areas

Dr. Christopher L. Alexander
Assistant Professor - Structures and Materials
Office: ENC 3208 | Email | Phone: 813-974-1137 |
Research areas
Corrosion diagnosis and control, Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, Multi-physics modeling

Dr. Mauricio E. Arias, PE
Associate Professor - Water Resources
Office: ENC 3216 | Email | 813-974-5593 |
Research areas

Dr. Jeffrey A. Cunningham
Professor - Environmental
Office: ENC 3215 | Email | 813-974-9540 |
Research areas

Dr. Sarina J. Ergas, PE
Professor - Professor and Graduate Program Coordinator - Environmental
Office: ENC 3210 | Email | 813-974-1119 |
Research areas

Dr. Manjriker Gunaratne, PE
Professor and Department Chair - Geotechnical
Office: ENC 3303 | Email | 813-974-5818
Research areas
Modeling of soil and pavement material behavior, modeling of uncertainty in geotechnical systems using probability methods, fuzzy sets and neural networks, application of numerical techniques to pavement design and management, application of digital imaging and satellite technology to solve geotechnical and pavement engineering problems.

Dr. Zachary B. Haber, PE
Assistant Professor - Structures and Materials
Office: ENG 041 | Email |
Research areas
Ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC), Reinforced and Pre-stressed Concrete Structures, Bridge Engineering, Strengthening and Preservation of Structures, Sustainable and Advanced Materials

Dr. Stanley C. Kranc, PE
Structures and Materials Professor Emeritus
Office: ENG 303 | Email | 813-974-5821
Research areas
Fluid mechanics/heat transfer, Numerical analysis/modeling, Philosophy/history of Technology

Dr. Pei-Sung Lin, P.E., PTOE, FITE
Program Director, ITS, Traffic Operations and Safety, Center for Urban Transportation Research
Office: CUTR 125 | Email | 813-974-4910
Research areas
ITS, Traffic operations, Safety

Dr. Qing Lu
Associate Professor - Transportation
Office: ENC 3209 | Email | 813-974-5822 |
Research areas
Pavement engineering, Asphalt mix design, Pavement management system, Transportation infrastructure management, Steel bridge deck surfacing

Dr. Fred L. Mannering
Professor and Executive Director, Center for Urban Transportation Research – Transportation
Office: ENC 3506 | Email | 813-974-5817 |
Research areas

Dr. Michael Maness
Assistant Professor - Transportation
Office: CUTR 233 | Email | 813-974-6144 |
Research areas

Dr. James R. Mihelcic, BCEEM
Environmental | Samuel L. and Julia M. Flom Endowed Professor | Director, National Center for Reinventing Aging Infrastructure for Nutrient Management
Office: ENC 3508 | Email | 813-974-9896 |
Research areas

Dr. Gray Mullins, PE
Professor - Structures and Materials
Office: ENG 42 | Email | 813-974-5845 |
Research areas
Foundation load testing, foundation rehabilitation, structural/ geotechnical instrumentation, quality assurance of drilled shafts, post grouted drilled dhaft design/ construction

Dr. Mahmood Nachabe, PE
Professor - Water Resources
Office: ENG 320 | Email | 813-974-5837 | CV
Research areas
Hydraulics & water supply systems, Soil & ecosystem hydrology, Flow & contaminant transport in porous media, Stochastic hydrology

Karim Nohra
Associate Instructor, Undergraduate advisor - Engineering Education
Office: ENC 3301 | Email | 813-974-5594
Research areas

Dr. Daniel Simkins
Associate Professor - Structures and Materials
Office: ENC 3206 | Email | 813-974-4174 |
Research areas

Dr. Michael J. Stokes, PE
Associate Professor of Instruction - Structures and Materials
Office: ENG 43 | Email | 813-974-8244
Research areas

Dr. Amy Stuart
Professor - Environmental
Office: CPH 1117 | Email | 813-974-6632 |
Research areas
Air pollution, Atmospheric chemistry, Environmental computational modeling, Urban design & human exposure to transportation emissions

Dr. Andrés E. Tejada-MartÃnez
Professor - Water Resources
Office: ENC 3207 | Email | 813-974-1738 |
Research areas

Dr. Maya A. Trotz
Professor | Faculty Fellow at Kiran C. Patel Center for Global Solutions - Environmental
Office: ENC 3502 | Email | 813-974-3172 |
Research areas

Dr. Daniel H. Yeh, PE, LEED AP
Professor - Environmental
Office: ENC 3213 | Email | 813-974-4746 |
Research areas

Dr. Abla Zayed
Professor - Structures and Materials
Office: ENG 221 | Email | 813-974-5823
Research areas

Dr. Qiong Zhang
Professor - Environmental
Office: ENC 3214 | Email | 813-974-6448 |
Research areas

Dr. Yu Zhang
Professor - Transportation
Office: ENC3211/CUT220|Email |813-974-5846 |
Program Director - CUTR Advanced Air Mobility
Research areas

Dr. Hao Zhou
Assistant Professor - Transportation
Office: CUTR 231 | Email |
Research areas

Dr. Rajan Sen, PE, FACI, FASCE
Professor Emeritus and Jefferson Science Fellow - Structures and Materials
Office: ENG 41 | Email | 813-974-5820
Research areas

Dr. Alberto Sagüés, PE, FNACE
Emeritus Distinguished University Professor - Structures and Materials
Office: ENL 112 | Email | 813-974-5819 |
Research areas