Molecular Medicine & Drug Delivery
Focus on characterizing diseases at the cellular and molecular levels and developing means of diagnostics and treatments by understanding the interaction of genes and proteins. Includes research on developing means to effectively deliver drugs and genes in pre-clinical translation.
Department Research Faculty

Robert Frisina, PhD
Medical Engineering

Richard Heller, PhD
Medical Engineering

Mark Jarozseski, PhD
Medical Engineering

Loree Heller, PhD
Medical Engineering

Huabei Jiang, PhD
Medical Engineering

Anna Bulysheva, PhD
Medical Engineering
Affiliated Research Faculty

Andrew Hoff, PhD
Electrical Engineering

Dr. Piyush Koria, PhD

Dr. Shyam Mohapatra, PhD
Internal Medicine

Stephen Saddow, PhD
Electrical Engineering

Sylvia Thomas, PhD
Electrical Engineering

Samuel Wickline, M.D.
Internal Medicine

Jerome Breslin, PhD
Molecular Pharmacology & Physiology

Timothy Fawcett, PhD
Information Technology

Richard Gilbert, PhD

Stephen B Liggett, M.D.
College of Medicine

Lawrence Stern, PhD