HEP Application Process
Students are eligible to participate in the High School Equivalency Program (HEP) if:
- They or their parents have been employed in migrant or seasonal farm work for at least 75 days in the past 24 months
- Do not have a high school diploma or the equivalent of one
- Are not currently in school
- Are at least 16 years old; 17 if a residential student
- Demonstrate adequate academic skills in English/Spanish, language and math
- Need academic help, support services and financial aid offered to earn the equivalent of a high school diploma and to move on to college, vocational school, trade school, employment or the military
How to Apply
Applicants can fill out the application provided above or request an application packet be sent to them via mail. Inquiries concerning this program and completed applications should be forwarded (via fax, email or regular mail) to:
Rosie L. Mendez
HEP Outreach Specialist
Center For Migrant Education
4202 E. Fowler Ave., EDU105
Tampa, FL 33620-5650
Fax: (813) 974-0485