College of Behavioral and Community Sciences


Criminology students inducted into prestigious criminal justice honor society

students are inducted into Alpha Phi Sigma

Students hold candles as they are inducted into Alpha Phi Sigma.

Bressia Borja speaks at the ceremony

Bressia Borja speaks at the ceremony.

Thirty-six undergraduate and graduate students were inducted into the Sigma Chapter of Alpha Phi Sigma, a national criminal justice honor society. This was the first induction ceremony hosted by Colby Valentine, PhD, and Amber Oderinde, MS. Valentine is an executive advisor for the national honor society.

New and current members of the chapter were invited. The goals of Alpha Phi Sigma are to honor and promote academic excellence, service, leadership, and unity.

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The Mission of the College of Behavioral and Community Sciences (CBCS) is to advance knowledge through interdisciplinary teaching, research, and service that improves the capacity of individuals, families, and diverse communities to promote productive, satisfying, healthy, and safe lives across the lifespan. CBCS envisions the college as a globally recognized leader that creates innovative solutions to complex conditions that affect the behavior and well-being of individuals, families, and diverse communities.