Affiliated Faculty
Eddins, David A., Ph.D., CCC-A
Dr. David A. Eddins is a certified clinical audiologist and a fellow of the Acoustical
Society of America and of the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering.
His research interests focus on four broad areas. His collaborative work investigating
the impacts of aging on hearing, communication, balance, and cognition involves a
variety of research methodologies and advance technologies. Trained as a classical
psychoacoustician, his work involves investigation of fundamental aspects of auditory
perception and he has extended that work to the study of voice quality perception.
In the area of voice quality, Dr. Eddins partners with speech-language pathologists
and engineers to investigate the perceptual, acoustic, and physiological bases of
the perception of various characteristics of normal and dysphonic voices with a keen
interest in the perception and understanding pediatric dysphonia. His research on
hearing and balance enhancement and protection uses various technologies such as ear-worn
devices, the use of augmented acoustic environments, and quantification of deficit
and benefit via ecological momentary assessment. This work branches into investigations
of hearing aid technologies, methods for treating hyperacusis and tinnitus, and the
effectiveness of hearing protection devices. His research also involves understanding
how the central auditory system processes sound and how that processing may change
with aging, hearing loss, and comorbid conditions. This collaborative work frequently
involves the use of basic and advanced electroacoustic and electrophysiologic methods.
Finally, Dr. Eddins is actively involved in the development of laboratory, clinical,
and ambulatory assessment methods. His research is funded by the NIH and several industry
partners and is conducted in collaboration with a variety of scientists and clinicians
at 鶹AV and institutions around the world.
Post Doctoral Fellowship (Psychology) | University of Florida | 1994 |
Ph.D. (Experimental Psychology) | University of Florida | 1993 |
Clincal Fellowship in Audiology | VAMC Long Beach, CA | 1989 |
M.S. (Audiology) | University of North Carolina | 1988 |
A.B. (Speech & Hearing) | University of North Carolina | 1986 |
Recent Scholarly Activity
- Palandrani, K.N., Hoover, E.C., Stavropoulos, T., Seitz, E. R., Isarangura, S., Gallun, F.J., Eddins, D.A. (Accepted). “Temporal integration of monaural and dichotic frequency modulation,” Journal of the Acoustical Society of America.
- Davaraju, D.S., Kemp, A., Eddins, D.A., Shrivastav, R., Chandrasekaran, B., Wray, A.H. (Accepted). “Effects of Task Demands on Neural Correlates of Acoustic and Semantic Processing in Challenging Listening Conditions,” Journal of Speech Language Hearing Research.
- Yellamsetty, A., Ozmeral, E.J., Budinsky, R.A., Eddins, D.A. (2021). “A comparison of environment classification among premium hearing instruments,” Trends in Hearing, 24, 1-14. DOI: 10.1177/2331216520980968.
- Stavropoulos, T.A., Isarangura, S., Hoover, E.C., Eddins, D.A., Seitz, A.R., Gallun, F.J. (2021). “Exponential spectro-temporal modulation generation.” Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 149, 1434-1443. .
- Cherri, D., Ozmeral, E.J., Eddins, D.A. (2021). “Significance of the Portable Automated Rapid Test (PART) platform in quiet and noise,” Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics 42. .
- De Larrea-Mancera, E.S.L., Stavropoulos, T.A., Hoover, E.C., Eddins, D.A., Gallun, F.J., Seitz, A.R. (2020). “Portable Automated Rapid Testing ( PART ) for auditory assessment: Validation in a young adult normal-hearing population,” Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 148, 1831, .
- Eddins, D.A., Anand, S., Lang, A., Shrivastav, R. (2020). “Developing Clinically Relevant Scales of Breathy and Rough Voice Quality,” Journal of Voice. DOI: 10.1016/j.jvoice.2019.12.021
- Ozmeral, E.J., Hoover, E.C, Gabbidon, P., Eddins, D.A. (2020). “Development of the Continuous Number Identification Test (CNIT): Feasibility of dynamic assessment of speech Intelligibility,” International Journal of Audiology. .
- Isarangura, S., Palandrani, K.N., Stavropoulos, T., Seitz, A., Hoover, E.C., Gallun, F.J., Eddins, D.A. (2019) “Methods for expressing spectral modulation depth and the effects of modulator shape on spectral modulation detection thresholds,” Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics, 36, 050003; .
- Anand, S.A., Kopf, L.M., Shrivastav, R., Eddins, D.A. (2019). “Using Pitch Height and Pitch Strength to Characterize Type 1, 2, and 3 Voice Signals,” Journal of Voice, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jvoice.2019.08.006.
- Isarangura, S., Eddins, A. C., Ozmeral, E. J., & Eddins, D. A. (2019). The effects of duration and level on spectral modulation perception. Journal of Speech-Language-Hearing Research, 62(10), 3876-3886. https://doi.org/10.1044/2019_JSLHR-H-18-0449. PMCID: PMC7838824
- Hoover, E.C., Kenney, B.N., Bell, K.L., Gallun, F. J., Eddins, D.A. (2019). “A comparison of behavioral methods for indexing the auditory processing of temporal fine structure cues,” Journal of Speech-Language-Hearing Research, Jun 19;62(6):2018-2034. doi: 10.1044/2019_JSLHR-H-18-0217.
- Ozmeral, E.J., Eddins, A.C., Eddins, D.A. (2019). “Electrophysiological responses to lateral shifts are not consistent with opponent-channel processing of interaural level differences,” Journal of Neurophysiology, 122(2):737-748. doi: 10.1152/jn.00090.2019.
- Kemp, A., Eddins, D., Shrivastav, R., & Hampton Wray, A. (2019). Effects of task difficulty on neural processes underlying semantics: An event-related potentials study. Journal of Speech, Language, Hearing Research 62(2), 367-386. https://doi.org/10.1044/2018)_JSLHR-H-17-0396.