About CBCS
Academic Support Services
The Dean's Office coordinates all academic support services for faculty and students in the College of Behavioral & Community Sciences. Please contact the following individuals for assistance.

Associate Dean
Office: MHC 1115
Phone: 813-974-9712
Jennifer Lister, PhD, is responsible for academic program development, curricular processes, enrollment
management, and academic student support services.

Director of Advising and Student Support Services
Office: MHC 1149
Phone: 813-974-6217
Lisa Landis, MA, has the primary responsibility of all student support services functions for the
college including academic advising, new student orientations, academic program and
curriculum development, academic grievances and petitions for exceptions to academic
policies, policy dissemination, and student outreach.

Academic Services Administrator Graduate Programs
Office: MHC 1148
Phone: 813-974-8865
Susan Crochunis is responsible for college processes related to graduate student admissions, degree
certification, tuition waivers, graduate assistantship appointments, and graduate
Academic Services Administrator Undergraduate Programs
Office: MHC 1143
Phone: 813-974-8441
Lori Perez