Funding Search

Internal Award Opportunities

College of Arts & Sciences (CAS)

Note: Due to uncertainties in federal indirect cost (IC) recoveries, the 2025 Spring internal award cycle has been cancelled. We will keep you informed of any updates regarding the resumption of the awards program.

CAS-ORS  Conference Presenter Support Program 

This program has been temporarily suspended.

Overview: The CAS-ORS Conference Presenter Support Program funds CAS faculty who are presenting research or research-related scholarly activities at an academic conference (either in person or by virtual delivery). 

CAS-ORS Humanities Project Completion Summer Stipend Program 

This program has been temporarily suspended.

Overview. The CAS-ORS Humanities Project Completion Summer Stipend Program aims to stimulate new publications in the humanities by providing small awards to support the last stages of projects.

CAS-ORS Research Infrastructure Request 

CAS may provide Research Infrastructure Support (i.e., equipment acquisition, maintenance, repair or enhancement; and other special needs). Requests should be submitted by completing the . Requests will be reviewed upon receipt.

Office of Research & Innovation (ORI) Internal Awards 

Interdisciplinary research award

Guidelines and Applications
Updated: Internal Awards Competition Schedule 2024-2025 (PDF)

Recent evaluations of the research enterprise at Â鶹ÃÛÌÒAV have highlighted the critical need to increase support, modernize infrastructure, and improve efficiency of operations. In response to these reviews, the Â鶹ÃÛÌÒAV Research Council has revamped the Â鶹ÃÛÌÒAVRI Internal Awards program to enhance growth and productivity throughout the Â鶹ÃÛÌÒAV research community. 

All awards are submitted through . Submission deadline dates are on as listed on the guidelines with receipt by 5:00 p.m. Award announcements will be made and posted within one month after the deadline.

Submissions for the Conference Planning Grant (CONF) - Guidelines (PDF)
Application Deadline: November 25, 2025, by 5:00 p.m.
Conferences are an important part of the research and creative process, providing a venue for the dissemination of new information and a forum for the exchange of ideas. The Conference Planning Grant provides supplemental funding for faculty in their role of planning and implementing national and international conferences to enhance the Â鶹ÃÛÌÒAV research and creative environment and bring prestige and recognition to Â鶹ÃÛÌÒAV and the State of Florida. Conferences held locally will receive preference. However, conferences planned at a national or international location are eligible. The applicant must have an integral role in the conference planning process.

Submissions for the Interdisciplinary Center Preparation Grant (ICPG) – Guidelines (PDF). Pre-Proposal Submission Deadline: January 15, 2025
Full Proposal Deadline: April 4, 2025 
The Interdisciplinary Center Preparation Grants (ICPGs) are designed to incentivize and accelerate nucleation and success of large-scale program-project or center types of grants, as defined in the stated disciplinary area (typically corresponding to grants involving multiple PIs and involving funding amounts that considerably exceed that of a typical single-investigator grant). These grants are designed to incentivize faculty to lead large-scale innovative interdisciplinary efforts that help enhance the excellence of Â鶹ÃÛÌÒAV research and include faculty from distinct programs/departments. Consequently, ICPGs must target a specific program project or center type funding type opportunity (as defined in relevant research field) and should have quantifiable returns on investment in new grant dollars, increase research productivity, enhance degree programs, and promote attainment of other AAU/state metrics.

Â鶹ÃÛÌÒAV Multi-User Research Capital Investment Award (MuRCIA) - Guidelines (PDF)
Submission Deadline: February 10, 2025
Multi-User Research Capital Investment Awards (MuRCIA) are intended to enhance research activities and increase competitiveness for external grants. Enhancement can be in the form of small equipment or purchase of software or other items that can be utilized to enhance research productivity. Applicants should demonstrate that there will be multiple users from different colleges and/or regional campuses. The intent of this opportunity is to support equipment purchases that enable collaborative groups of faculty, rather than to provide general core facilities support, for which other funding opportunities are available. These awards are designed to help faculty obtain new external funding. Consequently, RCIAs should have quantifiable returns on investment in new grant dollars, increase research productivity, enhance degree programs, and promote attainment of other AAU/state metrics.

Guidelines (PDF)
2024 NRG Competition Open: November 6, 2024
Submission deadline: January 10, 2025, 5:00 PM
Award Notifications: Prior to April 8, 2025                                                                              
The New Researcher Grants are designed for faculty to develop new research projects who do not have established funding sources (external or college/departmental) – this program is for early career faculty who are new to Â鶹ÃÛÌÒAV. The program’s goal is to enable faculty to launch productive research, scholarship, or artistic expression/performance activities that will ultimately result in grant funding from external agencies or foundations. This grant will fund pilot, draft, or preliminary studies/projects. It is expected that these results will provide the basis for external grant proposals, as well as publication or exhibition of the results. Prior recipients who fail to obtain funding for an earlier New Researcher Grant will no longer be eligible to apply for this internal award. The applicant should include a detailed proposal plan (including names and web addresses of funding source, type of grant and submission deadlines, when appropriate) as part of the application for the New Research Grant. GRANT AMOUNT: Maximum $20,000 for a 12-month grant period

Guidelines (PDF)
2025 Competition Deadline Wednesday, February 12, 2025 by 5:00 PM 
Awards Announced: Monday, April 14, 2025
The Proposal Enhancement Grant (PEG) program is designed to help faculty develop competitive proposals for resubmission and increase the probability of securing external funding; to strengthen the resubmission proposal to aid an applicant who has received a positive review of their grant application but is not in a fundable range. Applicants are encouraged to show how the funds will enable or address reviewer concerns. Applicants are also encouraged to describe how the new data or activities are linked to reviewer comments. GRANT AMOUNT: Maximum $25,000 for a 12-month grant period.

Guidelines (PDF)
Spring 2025 Competition Deadline: Friday, February 7, 2025 at 5:00 PM
Awards Announced: Monday, March 17, 2025
This program is designed to provide financial support for scholarly and creative presentations by the Â鶹ÃÛÌÒAV faculty at major professional meetings and conferences outside the USA. These grants are available for faculty pursuing a career at Â鶹ÃÛÌÒAV. The goals of the program are to enhance the international visibility and prestige of research activities and creative presentations conducted at Â鶹ÃÛÌÒAV and to encourage interaction with international colleagues. Consequently, the highest priority will be given to faculty who are personally invited to give keynote speeches, plenary presentations or other major addresses, presentations, or performances. In addition, to the type of the presentation the prestige and scope of the conference will also be considered. All decisions pertaining to funding are final and the Council reserves the right to recommend funding applications at any level up to the maximum ($2,500).

See for more details.

Other Internal Awards - check for availability

Corridor Matching Research Grants - The Florida High Tech Corridor Council is a regional economic development initiative with the mission to grow high tech industry and innovation through partnerships that support research, marketing, workforce, and entrepreneurship. The high technology focus areas of this initiative are based on key strengths of universities and include Agricultural Technology, Digital Media & Interactive Entertainment, Information Technology, Microelectronics & Nanotechnology, Optics & Photonics, Aviation & Aerospace, Financial Services, Life Sciences & Medical Technologies, Modeling, Simulation & Training, and Sustainable Energy. Funding will require a 2:1 cost match investment (soft/in-kind). Check with the Matching Grants Program Director for availability. 

Summer AIR Colloquium - Through the generosity of the Florida High Tech Corridor and Â鶹ÃÛÌÒAV Research & Innovation, the HIPUR office is pleased to announce the Summer AIR Colloquium. AIR stands for Arts and Interdisciplinary Research. The Summer AIR Colloquium will provide a unique opportunity for students to create and present their artistic and interdisciplinary research at the Colloquium that will be held July 28, 2023. Funds, which are available in variable amounts of $50 - $500, may be used to offset the cost of printing a 4' x 3' poster, to travel to research sites, or purchasing materials for their research. See details for application instructions and submission timelines

Research in Arts Scholarship - This scholarship provides funding to foster student passion for inquiry and discovery. Two essential elements comprise the RIAS Scholarship: financial support, and comprehensive training in research skills and professional development. Under the direction of faculty mentors and the Office of Undergraduate Research Program Directors, RIAS Scholars who participate in the Â鶹ÃÛÌÒAV School of Art and Art History's Summer Study Abroad Paris Program develop and produce research-based art projects from idea to installation. Check availability on the website and with the contact person(s)

Community Scholars Fellowship - This program supports undergraduate students conducting research that benefits, and is carried out in partnership with community organizations, nonprofits, or local government agencies. The program provides a stipend for a student who will carry out at least 150 hours of research over the course of a semester or a summer. The program also provides funding for research-related expenses and a stipend for the community partner, and if applicable, funding for a faculty "advisor". Check on availability on the website and with the contact person(s)

Humanities Institute Summer Grants - Each year the Humanities Institute awards up to ten, $5,000 grants to Â鶹ÃÛÌÒAV faculty to facilitate summer research. Funding for these awards is currently provided by the Â鶹ÃÛÌÒAV Office of Research and Innovation. Summer grant recipients have a long record of producing innovative and compelling research. Check on availability on the website and with the contact person(s).