Tenure & Promotion
Mid-Tenure Review
Purpose of Mid-Tenure Review (from CAS T&P Procedures)
An extensive mid-tenure review will be conducted, typically during the third tenure-earning year. If an individual is credited with tenure-earning service at the time of initial appointment, the review will be conducted at the approximate mid-point of the probationary period. The mid-tenure review will be conducted by the department's tenure and promotion committee, the department Chair, the School Tenure and Promotion Committee, the College Tenure and Promotion Committee, and the Dean. The Dean’s Office will forward the Dean’s mid-tenure reviews to the Provost’s Office.
All mid-tenure reviews shall address the performance of annual assignments including teaching, research/creative activity, and service occurring during the preceding tenure-earning years of employment. In addition, all reviews will refer to written department criteria and critically assess overall performance and contributions in light of mid-point expectations.
Departmental tenure and promotion criteria should outline the materials required for review, including, but not limited to, a current vita; annual evaluations; student/peer evaluation of teaching; selected examples of teaching materials; documentation of learning outcomes and measures of teaching success; products of research/ scholarship/creative activity; service commitments and accomplishments; and a brief self-evaluation by the faculty member.
The mid-tenure review is intended to be informative: to be encouraging to faculty who are making solid progress toward tenure and instructional to faculty who may need to improve in selected areas of performance. Where progress is significantly lacking and apparently unlikely, nonrenewal may result. The candidate and Chair should use the completed mid-tenure review as an opportunity for discussion and planning of work during the remainder of the probationary period.
From workshop to finished mid-tenure review, this workflow chart with all the important dates are located on this timetable:
Below is a list of the sections in the Mid-Tenure and Tenure & Promotion application.
I. General Data
- Details of 鶹AV Employment
- Education
- Other Education
- Areas of Specialization
- Honors & Awards
- Experience
- Tenure Related Experience
II. Teaching
- Teaching Narrative: Goals & Accomplishments
- Courses Taught at 鶹AV [auto-populates with course evaluation numbers & comments)
- Courses Taught outside 鶹AV
- Teaching Awards, Distinctions
- Other Teaching Activities
- Supervision & Committees
- Summary of Teaching [Department Chair’s responsibility]
III. Research
- Research Narrative: Goals & Accomplishments
- Publications
- Books, Textbooks, & Book Chapters
- Book Reviews
- Articles [some auto-populate]
- Other Publications
- Other Research & Creative Activities Narrative
- Commissioned Works, Exhibitions, Performances
- Other Creative Works
- Community Engaged Scholarship Narrative
- Grants & Contracts: Directed, Under Review, Applied but Not Selected [some auto-populate]
- Patents & Licenses
- Paper Presentations & Speeches
- Analysis of Publications/Creative Works/Engaged Work [Department Chair’s responsibility]
IV. Service
- Service Narrative: Goals & Accomplishments
- University, Professional, Community, Other Service
V. Assigned Duties, Annual Evaluations
- [Department Liaison’s responsibility to upload]
Thinking about Mid-Tenure review? Here are some things you can do right now!
1. If you don’t have a DocuSign account, then create one at
2. Start uploading information into your Faculty History in the Faculty Information System. How to get there:
- Sign in to my.usf.edu with your Net ID.
- Look for “Business Systems”—the third tab at the top of the page.
- Choose “Archivum” from the drop-down list.
- Click on “My Faculty History” tab.
Your “Summary page” in the Faculty Information System (FIS) will appear. The category tabs (Experience & Education, Teaching, Research & Creative Activity, Service) are displayed. To add information, click the appropriate tab and begin entering much of the data that will roll into your Mid-Tenure Review application.
3. Begin collecting information the application will require.
- ISBN numbers or electronic identifiers
- Dates of student advising and follow up information on their careers
- Patent numbers
4. Ask your Chair how much help they want with the Analysis of Publications/Creative Work/Engaged Scholarship. Provide that help.
5. Begin writing Teaching, Research, and Service narratives. Share drafts with your mentor(s). Remember to be kind to your reader.
6. Begin collecting and organizing Supplementary Material Information. Ask your chair what is typical in your department.
7. Refresh your C.V. Much of the Mid-Tenure application can be cut and pasted from a comprehensive, current C.V.
8. Ask questions, talk to your colleagues, share your application information and drafts. Don’t assume anything. Ask!