Field Schools
The Department offers formal field schools on a semi-regular basis, and many students also pursue opportunities for field research with individual faculty members, especially in archaeology, where faculty contracts often offer short term opportunities.

Archaeological Field Research
The Department often conducts a field school in Florida in the summer. Specifics vary from year to year, depending on location, faculty leader and other factors, but generally introduce students to a variety of archaeological methods including mapping, survey, geophysical survey, testing, and small-scale excavation. Students may also gain experience working with the public. Contact Dr. Nancy White, Dr. Tom Pluckhahn, or Dr. Diane Wallman, if interested. Contract and volunteer opportunities will also usually be posted on the Department listserv.
Ethnographic Field School in Morocco
Each summer this collaborative National Science Foundation (NSF) International Research Experience for Students (IRES) trains engineers, scientists, and anthropologists to research and design socially and environmentally sustatinable and equitable systems. Argan oil production is a prime case study of sustainable development of a product with environmental benefits that also contriutes to women's empowerment, education, and incomes.
For more information, contact Dr. Tara Deubel or visit the website.