Evidence-Based Teaching
STEM Scholar Teaching Awards
Awards for 2021:
STEM teaching award recipients, or STEM Institute Scholars, are chosen based on achievement
in evidence-based teaching and a commitment toward students and the student success
initiative. Recipients shall serve as ambassadors of excellent STEM teaching practice
and help to disseminate best practices to fellow STEM instructors.
2021 STEM Scholars Teaching Award Recipients

Olukemi Akintewe
Medical Engineering

Zachariah Beasley
Computer Science & Engineering

Sherrisse Bryant

Rasim Guldiken
Associate Professor
Mechanical Engineering

Meera Nanjundan
Associate Professor
Cell Biology, Microbiology & Molecular Biology

Sarah Sheffield
Assistant Professor
School of Geosciences
2018 STEM Scholars Teaching Award Recipients

Chantale Bégin
Integrative Biology

Rick Pollenz
Professor, Cell Biology,
Microbiology & Molecular Biology

Kathleen Scott
Associate Professor
Integrative Biology

Arash Takshi
Associate Professor
Electrical Engineering
2017 STEM Institute Scholars Teaching Award Recipients

Alessio Gaspar
Associate Professor
Computer Science & Engineering

Kimberly Fields

Beth Jones-Mason
Instructor, Cell Biology,
Microbiology, & Molecular Biology

Chris Osovitz
Integrative Biology
2016 STEM Institute Scholars Teaching Award Recipients

Johnny El-Rady
Instructor, Cell Biology
Microbiology, & Molecular Biology

Autar Kaw
Mechanical Engineering

Luanna Prevost
Assistant Professor
Integrative Biology

Jeff Raker
Assistant Professor
Systemic Transformation of Education Through Evidence-Based Reforms (STEER)
This material is based on work supported in part by the National Science Foundation under Grant #DUE 1525574. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.