
Photo Gallery


“Women Empowerment” Conference: Panel of experts: Women Empowerment in the U.S. and Latin America| from right to left: Dr. Betilde Munoz-Pogossian, Director of the Department of Social Inclusion at the Organization of American States, Dr. Kersuze Simeon-Jones, Associate Professor at the 鶹AV, Dr. Diane Price Herndl, Professor and the Chair of the Women’s and Gender Studies at the 鶹AV October 10, 2019.


“Women Empowerment” Conference: Dr. Janet Elise Johnson, Professor of Political Science at the Brooklyn College, delivers a speech about Women Empowerment in Russia Conversation at the Center for Strategic & Diplomatic Studies, 鶹AV, October 10, 2019.





“Women Empowerment” Conference: Dr. Milani and Dr. Dwayne Smith, Senior Vice-Provost, and Dean of the Office of Graduate Studies at the 鶹AV at the private breakfast at the Center for Strategic & Diplomatic Studies, 鶹AV. October 10, 2019.


“Women Empowerment” Conference: Panel of experts: Women Empowerment in Pakistan and & Iran, from right to left: Ms. Farahnaz Isphahani, Senior Fellow at the Woodrow Wilson Center, Dr. Victoria Tahmasebi-Birgani, Assistant Professor of Women and Gender Studies at the University of Toronto, Dr. Kimberly Golombisky, Interim Director of the 鶹AV Zimmerman School of the Advertising and Mass Communication, October 10, 2019





 “Women Empowerment” Conference: Dr. Mohsen Milani welcomes Congresswoman Kathy Castor to deliver the opening remarks at the Center for Strategic & Diplomatic Studies, 鶹AV, October 10, 2019.


“Women Empowerment” Conference: Dr. Milani’s conversation with Dr. Leta Hong Fincher, author of Betraying Big Brother: The Feminist Awakening, at the Center for Strategic & Diplomatic Studies, University of South Florida, October 10, 2019.



“Women Empowerment” Conference: Congresswoman Kathy Castor delivers the opening remark at the Center for Strategic & Diplomatic Studies, 鶹AV, October 10, 2019.


“Women Empowerment” Conference: Dr. Cheynne Currall, 鶹AV First Lady, delivers the welcoming remarks at the Center for Strategic & Diplomatic Studies, 鶹AV, October 10, 2019.



“Women Empowerment” Conference: Dr. Mohsen Milani makes the Closing Remarks at the CSDS First Annual Conference on Women Empowerment at the Center for Strategic & Diplomatic Studies, University of South Florida, October 10, 2019.


“Women Empowerment” Conference: Dr. Roger Brindley, Former 鶹AV World Vice President, making introductory remarks at the Center for Strategic & Diplomatic Studies, 鶹AV. October 10, 2019.





Dr. Milani's conversation with Dr. Jillian Schwedler, Professor of Political Science at the City University of New Your, regarding the Civil War in Yemen at the Center for Strategic & Diplomatic Studies, 鶹AV, January 23, 2019.


Dr. Milani's conversation with Dr. Jillian Schwedler, Professor of Political Science at the City University of New Your, regarding the Civil War in Yemen at the Center for Strategic & Diplomatic Studies, 鶹AV, January 23, 2019.





Dr. Milani's Conversation with Ms. Barbara Slavin, and Mr. Michael Singh regarding the Future of the Iranian nuclear deal at the Center for Strategic & Diplomatic Studies, 鶹AV. NOVEMBER 8, 2018.


From Left to Right:  Mr. Michael Singh, Dr. Mohsen Milani and Ms. Barbara Slavin at the Center for Strategic & Diplomatic Studies, 鶹AV, NOVEMBER 8, 2018.



Dr. Milani's Conversation with Mr. Fariboroz Mokhtari, author of the "In The Lion's Shadow" at the Center for Strategic & Diplomatic Studies, 鶹AV. OCTOBER 25, 2018.


Dr. Milani's Conversation with Ms. Barbara Slavin, and Mr. Michael Singh regarding the Future of the Iranian nuclear deal at the Center for Strategic & Diplomatic Studies, 鶹AV. NOVEMBER 8, 2018.



Dr. Milani's Conversation with Mr. Fariboroz Mokhtari, author of the "In The Lion's Shadow" at the Center for Strategic & Diplomatic Studies, 鶹AV. OCTOBER 25, 2018.


Dr. Milani's Conversation with Mr. Fariboroz Mokhtari, author of the "In The Lion's Shadow" at the Center for Strategic & Diplomatic Studies, 鶹AV. OCTOBER 25, 2018.





Dr. Mohsen Milani's conversation with Mr. Kurtz-Phelan on US-China Relations at 鶹AV World, Center for Strategic & Diplomatic Studies, 鶹AV, 2018


CSDS Advisory Board with Mr. Kurtz-Phelan at 鶹AV World, Center for Strategic & Studies, 鶹AV,2018


From Left to Right: Mr. Robert T. Wilhite, Dr. Mohsen Milan, Mr. Daniel Kurtz-Phelan, Mr. Stephen J. Mitchell and Mr. Samuel P. Bell III



Panel of experts/ Dr. Mohsen Milani speaking at the Middle East Institute, Washington D.C, 2015


Panel of Experts/ Middle East Institute,2016

From right to left: Dr. Mohsen Milani, Mr. Nabil Fahmy (former Egyptian Foreign Minster), Ms. Deborah Amos (NPR), Mr. Eliot A. Cohen and Prince Turki bin Faisal Al Saud.



SampleDr. Mohsen Milani with General Wesley Clark at 鶹AV World, Center for Strategic & Diplomatic Studies, 鶹AV, 2016


SampleDr. Mohse Milani's Conversation with Ambassador Chris Hill, 鶹AV, 2015




SampleDr. Mohsen Milani, Mr. Cirincione and 鶹AV students, 鶹AV, 2015



Dr. Mohsen Milani's conversation with Dr. Steven A. Cook at 鶹AV world, Center for Strategic & Diplomatic Studies, 2017



SampleDr. Moshen Milani's conversation with With Dr. John Limbert, former hostage in Tehran, Center for Strategic & Diplomatic Studies, 鶹AV, 2017


SampleDr. Mohsen Milani's conversation with The Right Honourable Henry McLeish, former First Minister of Scotland, at the 鶹AV world, Center for Strategic & Diplomatic Studies, 鶹AV, 2016





Dr. Mohsen Milani with Mr. Cirincione at the 鶹AV, 2016


Dr. Mohsen Milani with Mr. Cirincione, 鶹AV, 2016




Panel of experts/ Dr. Mohsen Milani speaking at the Middle East Institute, Washington D.C. , 2016


Dr. Mohsen Milani with With Dr. John Limbert, former hostage in Tehran, 鶹AV, 2016



Dr. Milani's conversation with Ambassador Huddleston

Dr. Milani's conversation with Roger Cohen, 2014

Dr. Milani's conversation with Ambassador Huddleston

Dr. Milani's conversation with Ambassador Huddleston




Dr. Milani's Conversation with Karen Elliott

Dr. Milani's Conversation with Karen Elliott, 2012

Dr. Milani's Conversation with Ms. Ellen Laipson

Dr. Milani's Conversation with Ms. Ellen Laipson, 2016





Panel of Experts/ scanning the horizon

Panel of Experts/ scanning the horizon.

From left to Right:General Smith, Ambassador Mansour, Dr. Lin, Dr. Landis, 2012



 Dr. Milani's Conversation with Ambassador Hill

Dr. Milani's Conversation with Ambassador Hill, 2015

 Dr. Milani's conversation with Dr. Katz

Dr. Milani's conversation with Dr. Katz, 2015



Dr. Milani's conversation with Vice Admiral Mark Fox

Dr. Milani's conversation with Vice Admiral Mark Fox, 2015

Conference on Iran-Russia and the USA

Conference on Iran-Russia and the USA, 2018




Conference on Ukraine-Russia conflict

Conference on Ukraine-Russia conflict, 2014

Plan of experts/ Dr. Milani's speech at the Middle East Institute

Plan of experts/ Dr. Milani's speech at the Middle East Institute, 2016



Dr. Milani's conversation with Dr. Gause

Dr. Milani's conversation with Dr. Gause, 2015

 Dr. Milani's Conversation with Dr. Allison

Dr. Milani's Conversation with Dr. Allison, 2017




Conference On Iran-Russia and the USA

Conference On Iran-Russia and the USA, 2018

Dr. Milani's conversation with Dr. Cook

Dr. Milani's conversation with Dr. Cook, 2017




Dr. Decker's conversation with Admiral Kirby

Dr. Decker's conversation with Admiral Kirby

 Dr. Milani's conversation with Dr. Allison

Dr. Milani's conversation with Dr. Allison, 2017



Dr. Milani's conversation with Dr. Cirincione

Dr. Milani's conversation with Dr. Cirincione, 2014

Dr. Milani's conversation with Dr. Gal Luft

Dr. Milani's conversation with Dr. Gal Luft,, 2014




 Dr. Milani's conversation with Ambassador Beyrle

Dr. Milani's conversation with Ambassador Beyrle, 2014

panel of expertsfrom left to right Lieutenant General William D. Beydler, Dr. Denise Natali, Mr. Patrick Davies, Dr. Richard Russell, and Mr. David Prodger, 2016





Dr. Milani's conversation with Dr. Michael Decker

Dr. Milani's conversation with Dr. Michael Decker, 2016

Dr. Milani's conversation with Ambassador Khalilzad

Dr. Milani's conversation with Ambassador Khalilzad, 2016



Dr. Milani's conversation with Ambassador Pickering

Dr. Milani's conversation with Ambassador Pickering, 2012